Manifestion & Human Design: Beyond Specific Vs Non Specific Manifesting

Oct 15, 2020
Specific vs non specific manifesting in Human Design

You come with a LITERAL blueprint within you.  Wealth codes.  Success codes.  Pathways to unlimited joy, abundance, bliss, ease, flow…

That is all your natural state and you came with a cosmic blueprint, in your natal chart & bodygraph, on how to decipher it!


However, I have said over and over again with my clients…


You can’t make determinations, or even understand something like wealth, just using one piece of the chart, or even just Human Design or Astrology.  Trying to duct tape together an understanding will lead to a lot of frustration, anger, disappointment or bitterness, based on your design.

To show you what I mean, let’s dive into my charts a bit so I can show how it is a FULL PICTURE that needs to be developed… And even here I had to cheery pick some major points and leave out others!

I do these for clients in foundational calls, 1:1 coaching and my courses but I will also be adding Wealth & Soul Blueprint Calls and a monthly membership that will focus on Human Design & Astrology ( Something like this DOES NOT exist anywhere!).

Everyone is highly conditioned to see the world the way the majority does, and I highly recommend, whether me or someone else, if you desire to learn more finding a mentor that can guide you.  It is very difficult to see the alignment through the lens of the not self.  Homogenized consciousness comes form your thoughts; intelligence & awareness expressed out of the deeply conditioned opened in your design.


Side note:  You may think Reflectors are the most conditioned due to their openness.  They actually are LESS conditioned than Projectors.  Projectors are the MOST conditioned as their aura penetrates right into the aura of the other, into the G Centre (Also why it feels invasive if a Projector doesn’t wait to be invited).  Reflectors have a Teflon aura and they are designed to sample, not take in, the energy of the other.


DECODING WEALTH:  I will be starting a weekly FREE training on my Facebook page and within my Facebook community, and we will kick it off Monday the 19th talking DECODING WEALTH using Human Design & Astrology. 


Knowing how you are designed to operate and take in information allows you to take advantage of your optimal functioning, giving you the gift of understanding so that you can relax and trust your capacity to move through life correctly!

That’s what all this is about… TRUSTING what is within and uncovering, derubbling, all the crap that has been layered over your ability to access your medicine, your gifts & your magic…


We are currently in a paradigm that we are taught we need to calibrate to other coaches,

Or that we need to be in a coaches energy to “unlock” our wealth codes, because they have theirs unlocked.


Lies from the devil…. Lies from the black magicians.

You have it all within.  It is about uncovering it.  And I am not saying don’t hire coaches.  On any given month I have 2 coaches, supporting me with different aspects of myself and my business, and I am always in a mastermind or membership… I SURROUND myself with incredible women and men.

The point is you do NOT NEED to calibrate to someone else or be around a “rich” coach to unlock YOUR wealth codes.

And the beautiful thing is, when you come home to your own inner authority you also see through the veil MUCH easier.  You develop a new level of discernment.



When we look at variables in Human Design, to simplify GREATLY, if the arrows point left they represent more of an ACTIVE/ strategic energy.  If they point right they represent PASSIVE/ receptive energy.  It is greatly simplified for the sake of space.  I will do a training on this in my free upcoming weekly training series (So make sure to be in my private community Rebel Soul Leaders!!!)


When people talk about “specific vs non specific manifestor” they are speaking about the bottom right arrow on the PERSONALITY side, when looking at the Nodes of the Moon, and it represents your true potential for awareness to be developed & experienced.


The bottom right arrow shows us how we take in information from our environment.  This way of seeing sets the whole foundation for how we deal with the world.  If it points left you are FOCUSED, your perspective of the world is specific and therefore are a specific manifestor.  If it points right it represents PERIHPERAL, and you are a non specific manifestor.  You view life from the peripherals.


The bottom arrow on the left side is the Design Node of the moon: Are you designed to be the observer or the observed? What environment is healthiest for you to reach abundance & your purpose in?

If the arrow points left you are to be observed. If it points right you are the observer.

So when we put these two together how I am designed to manifest and create my life is through being the FOCUSED OBSERVER.

See how you can’t simply take one spot and say it explains how you operate?!  Like I said, I will go into all the arrows on a training call.


This is one aspect of the chart that represents how we interact with the Quantum and our environment in decoding wealth.




I won’t go into detail here about it because I have made previous posts about the G Centre.  Make sure to check that one out but it is one of the first places my eyes go in a chart when looking at wealth codes!  The G Centre literally holds your wealth codes!



Profile helps paint a picture, using your Personality Sun & Design Sun lines, about your purpose & mission here on Earth.  Again, this is greatly simplified and doesn’t even take into account my 5 FOUNDATION pieces of souls purpose when looking at a natal chart, however my purpose here is to help others live out their true purpose & their 9 centered life.  Not surprising that I stumbled upon Human Design in my journey!  I was literally created, an incarnated, to be a messenger of the Cosmos for Human Design & Astrology.  And when we are in our purpose work we start to live out our signature, which unlocks our abundance & wealth codes.


Let’s hop over to Astrology now!



The 10th house is the career house!  The Tenth House is about your life's work. It's what you look back on, as your legacy in the world.  This is not the only place for wealth & abundance information in your natal chart however I work primarily with spiritual entrepreneurs so we will focus here for the sake of this blog post.

I have an outline for January’s Cosmic Human Design & Astrology course & certification that breaks down the 5 main points to decode our spiritual path that will unlock our abundance, which goes much deeper than just the houses!

So my 10th house:

Interestingly enough I always knew, from the time I was a kid, I was connected to Lilith.  It was a message brought to me some time ago that my purpose in life was intricately linked to hers.  I was brought a message long before I knew how to understand Lilith in astrology that I was a Priestess of Lilith.  For anyone that has taken rewilding or womb healing courses with me you know that I have always spoken about Lilith and brought her story forward.


I was also told by a great friend and guide along my path that my path was intricately linked to wealth and helping others obtain abundance. I always struggled with this because I don’t actually LOVE speaking about money.  But when I saw how the natal & bodygraph come together it makes so much more sense on why just speaking about money never felt right and how I am ACTUALLY meant to serve in regards to being a messenger for abundance & wealth.


Now, there is A LOT going down in my 10th house, so I will try to simplify.

Simplified: the moon is our driving force. The moon shapes your emotions & your soul.  Now, there are some subtle differences between how Human Design & Astrology sees the planets, moon & sun, so I may explain it different than you are used to however I have developed my own fusion of the two when explaining the planets.

While mine is not close enough to be conjunct with my north node, which is our purpose in this life… Where we are going…

Both are in the 10th house chillin’ with my girl Lilith.

So, simplified, what does this mean about my career & abundance?

Does anyone remember my “I am a selfish bitch” email I sent out about 6 months ago about how my business always takes priority?

That is basically what this says.  At the time I was just writing from soul, not even considering the energy aspect of those words.

The moon in the 10th house is driven for success & recognition with attainment of their goals coming easy, if following their design (The Human Design blueprint shows us HOW to live this out!  See, it all comes together!). The moon here represents an unconscious need, and hunger, for achievement & success.  The Moon in the 10th house often feels an emotional bond with the collective, with the underdogs, and wants to contribute in a way which nurtures, protects, fostering change in the world.


I mean, if you know me you know how accurate that is!


The North Node, in karmic astrology, which I will teach everyone on in 2021, is how my life purpose is laid out for me.

Now, Lilith hanging out with the North Node in the 10th house further provides details on how I live out this life purpose:


If you have Lilith in the 10th house of your chart, her themes will manifest in terms of reputation, career, and your position in the world.

In traditional astrology, the 10th house is known as the culminating point or the pivot. With Lilith here, that dark, outraged wound seems to be the axis around which your world turns. She is the destination to which all roads lead.  Your internal north star.

With Lilith residing here, your role in the world is to live out her story through your career & message.


Conjunct with North Node she represents that in past lives I have been wounded, scapegoated, and have likely ultimately fought back, and in this life I am meant to live out her true archetype. How I have evolved through past lives, and this, through the distorted Lilith to where I am today, in the divine Lilith, is for another post but an interesting one to dive into one day.

This struggle is public (10th house) in a way that no other placement can match. I embody her role and story and model her archetype. And if a 10th house Lilith is particularly lucky or particularly brave, you have been able to make a career of going your own way and maybe even fighting for the underdog… Which, if you know me is exactly what I have based on career on!  Helping the underdogs, the rebels, live out their purpose & authentic blueprint.


This is also the placement that leads to wild, outrageous rumors swirling that bear little to no resemblance to who you really are, and this has been a tough journey for me to be ok with.  This is just like Lilith’s story. A woman that simply desired for equality being seen as a baby snatching demon.


I could write for hours about the Lilith role in the 10th house, and it is the most fascinating aspect of my chart, to me, ESPECIALLY sitting with the North Nodes, my purpose… In the 10th house of career…. With the moon.


I will end with this.  If you too have a Lilith 10th house, or just to see a bit below the surface of my energetics:

A Lilith 10th house was thrust into the Lilith role, with or without your consent, and the reality is that the black magicians WILL see to it that anyone that challenges their power be vilified…. Therefore YOU will be vilified for challenging power structures & the black magic.  A 10th house Black Moon Lilith will live this out.  BUT Lilith did not stop there, and neither should you.


She broke out, shook things up and carved a place for herself through her own blood, sweat and tears.  She never settled. 


This position is STRENGTH & a pioneering spirit.  This position, and myself especially as a 4/6 Generator (Showing people what it means to live an authentic 9 centered life) is all about showing others that no matter how much of the underdog they are THEY have a fighting chance, if they simply live out their energetics.


10th house BML paves the way for us all to step beyond the paths that have been prescribed for us and instead teach us all how to live free. Fight on, and live the life we were meant to live, including the unlimited abundance that comes with that.

How is this a wealth code?

It is literally the path I am meant to walk to reach my true purpose, and receive the soul money waiting for me.

Any ah ha’s that came from this?

I will be booking Wealth & Soul Blueprint Calls starting at the end of October, and stay tuned for the monthly membership for Human Design & Astrology!  I also have Cosmic Human Design & Astrology certification & courses beginning in January!


And don't forget to join us in the FREE community, Rebel Soul Leaders, to catch the free live training series I will be doing!!

With Cosmic Love & Pixie Dust,


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