Starseed Mission: You Are Either In Or Out
Jun 07, 2021
We won’t stand for hazy eyes anymore…
(Taking Back Sunday anyone?)
Ohhh my guides, the Pleiadians, Lyrians & Dragons aren’t playing….
And they always bring through the messages using song from my youth…
Actually, who am I kidding…
I STILL listen to all the punk rock bands I followed throughout Michigan & Ontario growing up.
I was listened to a lecture by Ra Uru Hu the other day and he said (In a quite pissed off tone) “I am sick & tired of people in the spiritual path not taking their lives seriously…. Waiting for the cosmic lottery… You are either on your path or you aren’t”…
And lately, after powerful transmissions, experiences…
Shamanic journeys in my dreams…
I have been waking up with song lyrics in my head…
Left there to contemplate for my day.
Recently it had been My Chemical Romance “Disenchanted”….
“You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya”
A powerful message about selling out soul for comfort…
And the implication of if right now…
In this moment…
I choose the path of…
What I know to be true…
What WAS true for so long for me…
What I know leads to impact & income…
Basically the reality I was existing in…
My sacred mission…
My sacred assignment meant nothing to me anyway.
Then this morning..
“I’m so sick so sick of being tired
And oh so tired of being sick…
Listen chick I've had all I can handle..
The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time
(We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore)”
Are part of the family of light…
Now don’t confuse that with love & light only…
God knows I don’t fit into that category…
But we are part of
the millions that came here AT THIS TIME to be activated.
We are the renegade branch….
The sacred rebels…
Here to challenge the current frequency to BRING harmonic defiance.
And your time is NOW, disruptors.
One of the things that have made me stand out &
Even come into criticism…
Is I follow soul.
Even if it makes no logical sense.
Even if it means 2 days later what I do & who I am is totally fucking different.
And something that has come into my realization is this:
The friction that happens…
Is DUE TO my rapid evolution & expansion.
Others won’t like this for many reasons…
Most beyond this post at this time but I will speak about coming up….
However the reality is we are not all created equal.
Some beings spiritual path is to simply be here during this evolution.
Some to observe & begin their contemplation.
Some are gatekeepers.
Some grid workers.
Some healers.
Some awakeners.
However NOT EVERYONE is coded to be part of the renegade family.
Not everyone is a sacred rebel.
Does this mean someone is wrong or right?
Everyone has their own unique path however it also does not make the renegades (typically called conspiracy theorists, if I am being honest) WRONG.
We all have a role to play in what is happening on Earth & in the Galactics right now.
Not all people are coded the same.
And truly, I honour EVERYONE that chose to come here now because regardless of your role you are experiencing a massive shift.
So many have spoken of this.
Ra speaks about it in terms of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix anchoring in.
Richard Rudd speaks about how those within the shadow frequency are evolving into the gift & those within the gift evolving into the siddhi…
The Pleiadians have spoken of it…
And many more.
We are ALL under massive evolution…
Including Gaia.
The Galactics.
Beings in this realm & others.
For those with a big assignment…
Sacred mission…
I have lost all patience for sitting by & playing by the boss babe rulebook or “what will sell” guidelines.
We are in a splitting of consciousness right now.
We ALL have a choice to make.
You agreed to come here now ON ASSIGMENT.
You were selected.
How can you honour this?
How can you allow more light into your body to change the very structure of your DNA?
How can you begin to embody WHO you really are….
Not the illusion, or human “suit”, you are embodying for this particular existence…
But who you REALLY are…
Beyond the veil…
How can you embody more of HER & allow your assignment to bubble to the surface?
To remember?
It is time.
Stop waiting for the next galactic vortex or portal….
For the stars to align…
I love astrology & I am an astrologer but…
I would wager you didn’t do anything about the last one (But for real.. What changed since the last one?)…
Your whole EXISTENCE is a portal… Vortex…
You entered a portal to even be here now experiencing this life in this reality….
It is time to stop shitting the bed & own up to what you came here to do.
I have realized I am not here to save the world but to remind the world how to save itself….
And it begins with activating all those here with a sacred assignment.