Success as a Multi-Passionate Entrepeneur
Aug 31, 2020
You gain your power back when you DECIDE what you believe. So, is believing that you NEED a niche currently holding you back from your FULLEST expression?
Now, hear me out.
I am NOT saying speak randomly and to no one.
What I am saying is the idea that you have to focus on ONE area and become the go to expert for that is outdated and wildly inaccurate for most people.
Now, yes, for the last year I was widely known as THE Human Design Queen. The go to expert.
But what you may not know is that my highest grossing months I was ALSO the go to rewilding expert. The go to womb healing expert. The go to manifestation expert.
A massive part of my business was built on that, and I activated so many incredible souls into THEIR souls purpose work.
I had 4 VASTLY different courses running at once...
With clients from a range of backgrounds. Men, women, 60+, 22 and just starting their business. Super spiritual, dabbling in spiritual. Believers and non believers but want to believe.
Multi dimensional energy healers and those that don't even have the faintest clue what that is.
The list goes on.
And guess what...
Not one MF person was confused.
We are CONDITIONED to believe business HAS to be run a certain way...
But the problem is the identity of an entrepreneur that comes with a certain way to run business comes with rules...
And those rules create values, beliefs, habits, rituals and behaviours that support the identity of the good little entrepreneur bot.
We ALWAYS default to our identity and the meaning you associate with a given situation controls your life.
So the meanings you have given to success in business are currently controlling your life.
But what if...

You have been wildly conditioned by marketing.
And the reality is either YOU choose what you believe or the world will choose it for you.
I believe a lot of entrepreneurs have a lot they are hiding out of fear of confusing their audience.
I believe a lot of entrepreneurs are hiding the full spectrum of their alchemy to fit in with the cool kids.
I believe a lot of entrepreneurs feel like if they pivot, or encompass more of who they are in their business, they will lose people.
But the reality is you CAN be multi passionate and be wildly successful.
The secret?
YOU are the niche.
Now, with this comes a little bit of a caveat.
If you are going to be camp "screw the niche" you DO have to know who YOU are...
And then you have to be willing to allow your multi passionate freak flag to fly.
You do NOT have to hide parts of yourself to be successful.
I have a varied background.

And more...
And I am NOT here to just speak about one area. I went through everything I went through to bring all areas of ME, my passions and my bomb ass specialities to the world...
Including helping people create a bomb ASS.

Because there are A LOT of things no one can do like me...
Just like, sister, there are A LOT of things NO ONE... Not one person on this earth... Can do like you...
Because absolutely no one has had your exact experiences.
And every action you take, no matter how small, has an impact on your life. So what are you DECIDING about a niche?
Is it expanding you or contracting you?
What are you DECIDING about your life?
Your destiny is based on your daily behaviour.
What is your ultimate destiny?
What meaning do you want your life to have?
Figure that out first then chunk down. How do you have to act, think and what do you have to do on a daily basis for that to happen?
What sides of yourself are you currently hiding that are preventing you from embodying your ultimate destiny?
You gain your power back when you DECIDE what you believe.
When we can look at something objectively and make a decision that either YES or NO a niche or focusing on one area works or does not work for me.
If you are multi passionate let that flag fly sister!
The world is waiting!