The Not Self is NOT You

Jul 18, 2021


We need to have a real talk this Sunday morning my friends….


Having coached Human Design for the past 2 years & after studying it in the official schools I have noticed something that needs to be addressed….





I see it within Human Design all the time when I address not self characteristics in my courses or with new clients & they say “ OHHHH YES! That is me!!!!!”…

It is usually followed up by a searching for more information in the bodygraph to “fix” the not self…


I say this with love as well as some Sunday morning stop this shit asskickery: As long as you identify with the not self you create resistance in your business & in actuality PUSH AWAY the impact & income.


And shifting this won’t be found in the bodygraph.  Sure, I could go deep into different channels, tones, colours, variables, etc but the reality will still break down to this:

It is a mindset shift that must take place AND an identity level shift that must take place.


If your identity is “I am someone that is always thinking about things that don’t matter in my open head centre”… You will not change your external world until you change the internal. 


If your identity is “I am a Manifestor so I am doing this with or without you, I don’t give a fuck”…. Well, if you are running your own business it DOES matter if people desire to go with you or not.


You get where I am going with this.


And the reality is that you magnetize through your openness…

So you make money & attract clients through your openness.


If you are in the not self you actually put chaos into the environment & therefore repel those meant to work with you.


Now, this is also not to say you reach some golden valley where you never hit the not self, nope not ever again.  Of course not.  But what is the frequency you are CONSISTENLY putting out?


Due to a delay in returning messages the last few days due to a medical emergency with my pup I have left the doors open for Business by (Human) Design until Tuesday.


I also JUST OPENED UP my 1:1 high intensive HD coaching again…. And I have 2 spots open for 6 week HIGH INTENSIVE 1:1 coaching & 1 spot for longer term HD business coaching.

Links all in bio!


Now… What is a 1 degree shift you are claiming TODAY in your business? Drop it below!

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