Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The 1st line in Human Design within Business

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First lines, you are holding yourself back tangled up in the not self of your first line yet feeling as though that is who you are.

I cannot say it enough: The not self is not YOU.  That is where the “not self” comes from.  It is the shadow expression of your energy & as long as you identify with it you will meet resistance in business.

Does this sound familiar?

❌I am not expert enough.

❌When I become more of an expert then I can charge more/ be the expert/ serve the people I really want to serve.

❌A constant feeling of being unstable in your expertise.

❌Always seeking more skills (if you have an undefined Gate 16) or always seeking more depth (if you have an undefined Gate 48).

❌Feeling as though you need to have all the answers (especially if you have an undefined Ajna).

This comes back, ultimately, a lack of self trust in your unconscious trial & error process.  The unconscious trial & error, what the body is going through, can add to the feeling of being unstable if you are unstable in your self trust & inner authority.  Also, trial & error is not trial & quit.  You MUST be getting into things from strategy & authority, anchored into what you are building a foundation on, to optimize the profit potential of this profile & public role (OTHERS see you as an authority on a subject!!!)



Another reason the not self can show up in business, especially with MG’s & Manifestors, is getting distracted by the mind & believing you are meant to be doing it all.  This creates a fragmentation of your energy & you quickly feel like/ become the jack of all trades, something you are not meant to be.  When you become the jack of all trades you will definitely feel unstable in your expertise as you haven’t become the authority in a certain subject.


The not self can show up here when you are stuck in shiny object syndrome & bouncing between ideas/ paths/ frameworks/ systems/ ways of scaling your business.  When you get into things from the mind you don’t have the energy for it & therefore quit.  You are then not doing a pure trial & error process, within what is meant to be your expertise you are building from, but a not self trial & QUIT process that creates scattered energy & pulls you off track of your authority.  People then don’t see you as an authority.   


In Projectors the not self here can show up when you are saying yes to invitations you think you SHOULD, rather than your true mastery & what you desire to be seen & recognized for.  Staying grounded in your mastery & what you are here to be seen/ recognized as the expert within is critical, even if you are receiving invitations for different things.  This is especially true if you have a lot of 5th lines in your bodygraph, outside of your profile.


For the Reflectors it is CRITICAL you are in the right place with the right people.  If you are in the wrong place it will FEEL like the wrong people.  This is the most critical aspect because you may find yourself building a foundation for the wrong people, which can lead you drastically off course & create a lot of disappointment rather than surprise.


So, the question is, what are you the authority in?  Now,  most people wiggle their way out of this, unwilling to claim the thing that sets them apart.  Do not allow yourself to wiggle out of it. Claim your space.  Draw your line in the sand.  Hold yourself to a high standard of radical self responsibility.

If people don’t see you as an AUTHORITY IN SOMETHING, you will be inspirational but they won’t buy and/ or you will meet a lot of money objections because YOU aren’t drawing your line in the sand, waving your freak flag, & claiming YOUR unique expertise.

People come to you because you are the heart surgeon, not the family doctor.  Trust yourself enough to dedicate yourself to an expertise & block out shiny object syndrome.

Ways to work together right now?

My ICONIC 6 month mastermind, ICONIC is open now for enrolment.  We begin November 1st.  This is for all designs & for the first time EVER comes with private Slack access to me, as well as a group chat.  I am removing 1:1 offers (They aren’t designed for my energy) so if you want to learn from, and scale your business with, me make sure to secure your spot now!

You can also hop in my low cost Cash Campaign course to teach you all you need to know to get a rapid cash injection NOW, aligned, from soul, & in highest service to your community.  The information learned & gained can also be applied to ALL future launches, even outside of cash campaigns.

See you on the inside, rebel.



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