Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The 4th Line (Human Design) in Business

#4thline&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesignreflector #inneralignment #innerauthority #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovatorinbusiness #innovatorsinbusiness #the4thline #the4thlinehumandesign Aug 29, 2022

We hear so much about Projectors & 2nd lines needing to honour their energy, yet the 4th line is rarely highlighted for their very important nuance:  People fatigue.

When I first started in business I wasn’t aware of how my profile needed to be honoured in launches, speaking engagements, and simply how I was showing up.  I hit brick walls multiple times attempting to keep up with the business model of the coaches I worked with, which was to launch something (or many somethings) monthly.

I continually burned out over & over again with people fatigue.  Multiple times I dreamed of flushing my phone in the toilet & moving to the mountains, without internet.

Some nuances to keep in mind with the 4th line:

đź’°Your opportunities come from your network.  Ensure you are crystal clear on who you are meant to be serving so that you are able to network in the right communities.  I got into a place in my business last year where I would do guest expert spots for anyone.  I ended up burned out & stopped doing them for a long time due to it.

đź’°The 4th line is the epitome of the extroverted introvert.  The harmony between being with people & being alone.  Honour this AND work backwards from long term goals to make sure your schedule doesn’t start to get too busy.  Going day to day with no strategy can cause a busy schedule that burns out a 4th line.

đź’°Delegate as much as possible.  Looking back one thing I would do different is firmer boundaries from the get go & someone handling customer service from the start.  It isn’t because I don’t love serving my community (the vibe of the 4th line after all is the server), again, we as 4th lines simply get burned out if we are always IN it.  Honouring your energy & where it is best served in your business is critical for building a sustainable business.

Pause before making decisions. Impulsive decisions can lead to a schedule that is too full for the 4th line energy & lead to burnout!

AND when you are in your power, operating in alignment with your design, you are naturally magnetic, drawing others into your network without effort.  There is a natural best friend type energy that people want to be a part of!

Final days to receive early bird pricing on INNOVATORS, the Mastermind!  This is a Manifestor ONLY high intensive 6 week mastermind where we go deep into YOUR design & how to build a business your way.  Nuances, such as a 4th line Manifestor vs 5th line Manifestor make a huge difference in business & marketing!

Link in bio or DM for more info!





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