The power of knowing your Human Design is the power to know the correct use of YOUR energy & the correct way to make decisions.
It is incorrect to say just because you are a Projector you are not here to work.
It is incorrect to say that only Generators are here to love their work & immerse themselves in it.
I will be honest the foundational call is the bare bones starting point if you desire to dive deep into this work!
I STILL go back, 2 years later, to mine and still work closely with my mentors (Who are Ra's personal students) on understanding mine, and the system itself, on deeper levels.
It can be incredibly difficult to get out of our own head and look at our chart objectively ourselves....
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them".
I can't even tell you how many times I have done a reading and someone simply did not resonate with their chart, and were a bit defensive over it, only to message me 4, 6, 8 months later and say "YOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS BUT YOU WERE RIGHT!!!".
I do believe it, because this happens quite frequently!!!

And on that note, while I am on this train of thought; Human Design isn't about sitting down to a foundational call and everything is fixed like


. It may be, if you just needed some tweaks, but this is an EXPERIMENT. It is taking the knowledge and applying it day after day.
Taking the knowledge and slowly unraveling the conditioning and coming back to your true self.
It isn't about being perfect. It is about being uniquely you and finding your true voice.
I may, in fact, trigger the shit out of you on the first call and you may hate me (temporarily!) until it all clicks!
I also firmly believe, if you desire to be a Human Design Guide, your own chart reading is critical. How can we tell people to trust us reading their design if we haven't had anyone do it for US?
I will never forget my first time having a reading done I was a bit taken aback by things and felt called out, on things I would have never called myself out over.
Learning Human Design completely changed my life & business. I know, without a doubt that by bringing forward Human Design & Astrology I am fulfilling my 6th line Role Model duties.
The 6th line is the role model on how to live an authentic 9 centered life and that is what I deeply desire to help everyone do.
(On that note don't forget to follow me on Insight Timer! The next series of meditations dropping are for profiles!).
If you feel the call to understand your energy on a deeper level I have multiple ways we can work together:

The Foundation Call! I opened up some extra time over the next couple weeks to make room for anyone planning on the Cosmic Alignment System certifications next year that desire to get a head start on diving into their design!
NOTE: I call them foundation calls but I meet you where you are at. If you have had one in the past and you desire to dive deeper into other aspects, or dive into both your bodygraph & natal chart I will make that happen for you.

The Cosmic Alignment System 2021 certifications! We are beginning with Level 1 Human Design & Astrology in January! The waitlist is up now on my website to be able to receive a special offer before it launches publicly!

I have 1 space left for a 5 week intensive 1:1 Human Design Coaching, to start mid November. This is for online CEO's that already have an established business, do not need basic assistance getting started, and desire those 1 degree shifts to bring everything into massive alignment!
For more information check out: