Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix & How this is Impacting us NOW!

#crossofthesleepingphoenix #humandesign #humandesign2027 #humandesignblog #manifestionblog Sep 17, 2020
You hold all the power within. You, and only you, are your authority.â €
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With the Cross of Planning starting to crumble and the frequency shifting to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix we WILL see the continued crumbling of government structures, collective laws, tribal connections and veils dropping.â €
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The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is an individual frequency for Earth and brings with it a MASSIVE mutation in the Solar Plexus. With the sleeping Phoenix when it wakes up it must die before it can fly.
It is necessary for you to expand your capacity to hold the energy of the Sleeping Phoenix, which; is clearer, calmer, more relaxed, and more in alignment with infinity. You have to be able to process and maintain this frequency in your nervous system and aura.
You see, the Cross of Planning was tribal. People coming together. The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is individual, the exact opposite.â €
The time of the Sleeping Pheonix also represents...
â–ľCultivating internal power first as a strong, solid foundation for external power
â–ľEmbracing Darkness – Feminine and Masculine
â–ľSovereign right to consciousness
â–ľThe Solar Plexus as a brain
â–ľInternal Monarchy
â–ľSelf-sufficiency in all areas of your life (not compromising by trading your power for false security or corporate companies)
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It is the 55th Gate that will be the one expressing the beginning of this new age in 2027 as the energy enters the 55th Gate, 6th line. This will actually be a retrograde process that will leave Gate 37 behind, and enter the gate of ABUNDANCE and the line of Selfishness.â €
Gate 55 is where the emotional spirit is going to mutate, awaken, die and be reborn to a higher level. The polarity to this is that on the material plane it is the most unstable of the emotional gates, and therefore can create the highest waves and lowest lows.
The population is 50/50 on the solar plexus. Therefore if a vast majority are in the not self in 2027 it will have a massive impact on the collective consciousness.
The 6th line is the transition point. On the roof. Where mutation takes place and begins the higher spirit awareness. The mystery of Gate 55 surrounds what this new level is being anchored in. This is not something currently accessible.
Another important point to this mutation is that there is no spirit at this level without the body on this plane. It does not surprise me that I was called to start coaching again in personal training, as well, as this frequency hit a massive shift.
More than ever we are being called to focus on health so the awareness required to exist at this level of embodiment and awareness can be maintained, especially in the brain/mind which won't be evolving at the same pace.
Ra insisted with this frequency you won't get to the spirit until you look after the body. This is critical right now as our body mutates and evolves to prepare for this frequency.
Eating nourishing food. Working out. Keeping stress low. Drinking plenty of water.
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Something to understand with this frequency is that we are leaving a tribal frequency, and this shift has already begun, and we are entering a VERY individualistic age. This energy will be keyed into the mutation of the 55th gate.â €
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This has the POTENTIAL TO be a dog eat dog energy taking the 5th line of selfishness to extremes and developing a mean spirit. This mean spirit is the polarity, and conditioning / not self to the evolution we are going down.
A splitting of paths, if you will.
I am seeing this happening online already, and it will only intensify. Splitting of timelines and people pitting themselves against others. The not self will be pulled towards competition and separateness. I see daily people saying "I don't know if it is the virus or what but people seem to be getting meaner these days"
This is why.
The mutation.
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We WILL see this continue as we get closer to this frequency change.â €
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The best way to go into 2027 is using your inner authority. This is a new age and being your own authority is the only way to effectively navigate it.
Workout. Train. Care for your physical body. Be physically strong and healthy so your body and hold the new frequency.
Know that you held the keys to the kingdom all along. That you hold all the power you need within. By allowing your inner authority to guide your decisions you will know that everything you see and experience is exactly what was meant for you.â €
And with this realize that you are not here to convince, or force, others to see through the illusions or to see their conditioning.
Be an example of what it means to live an authentic life. Speak your truth and sink further into your cosmic blueprint.
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xoAEâ €
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