Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The Manifestor/ Innovator in Business

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With my upcoming Manifestor/ Innovator Business Mastermind I wanted to take a brief look at their type. Manifestor is a term you will hear in the Human Design world whereas Innovator is the BG5/ OC16 business term for the auric type. With 69,120 different incarnations that can happen and millions of different blueprint configurations that can happen, it is important to realize that “type” is a brushstroke over a broad range of energetic beings.  Your unique configuration impacts not only how you build your business but also how you are designed to receive, embody, & co-create with wealth.

What is a Manifestor? 

Manifestors are truly the gateway openers, the true initiators, & original trailblazers. The Manifestor  aura is closed and repelling, which is not meant in a negative way.  While many Manifestors tend to cringe when they hear this in the beginning (Before not just embracing but coming to LOVE this aspect of their design), and many in the spiritual world feel as though they need to jump in & defend the Manifestor aura or change the wording out of their own personal projections of what “closed & repelling” means, this auric quality allows them to innovate & trailblaze in ways that simply cannot be accessed by others.  This, of course, does not mean other designs are negative or less than.  Every design, every type, has strengths & limitations.  It is the nature of being human.  Yet, a limitation is not the aura.


Manifestors are naturally creative beings and with their closed & repelling aura they are waiting to be initiated by the next correct impulse of inspiration.  Yes, even Manifestors are “waiting”.  We are all waiting for an external initiation into our process.  When they are operating from inspiration, and not the mind, they are able to move forward in an innovative way, after informing.


As a Manifestor, waiting looks a little different because it's all about that inspiring spark that takes place. This is not from another person inviting them, as is the case for the Projector, it is not from responding yes or no like Generators.  It is not based on an emotional event, like a Reflector.  They get initiated by the universe, take that initiation, process it through their being, and present it to the rest of us in this most innovative, creative way.  This is not an idea they have or something that comes from the mind, or pressure to create something.  This is a spark, an ignition, that happens when they are initiated by the Universe itself.


When they are waiting to be initiated they are not static.  This is not a passive process.  They are still present, mulling in their creativity, allowing themselves to be inspired by life itself.  When working with Manifestors I have certain aspects that are very important to the success of this process:


  1. Time to be simply BORED.  This may seem counterintuitive however, especially Manifestors with a lot of Individual activations, allowing SPACE to actually be initiated into the next spark is critical.  Manifestors that are constantly launching & creating based on their mind simply do not have the space to receive as they are always doing & pushing things out into the world, rather than receiving & allowing themselves to be moved by something so much greater than them.
  2. Surrounding themselves with environments that spark creativity & allow them to be a muse of the universe.  This is about allowing themselves to be MOVED rather than constantly moving from the mind.  A “blah” environment, or one they have outgrown, is the fastest way to create plateaus in the Manifestors inspiration, and therefore business.
  3. Inform their audience, rather than drop things on their audience.  Building intimacy through that back & forth informing process (it is not one way) & creating a MOVEMENT to get behind is critical for massive success in the Manifestor.
  4. Limit distractions so they are not responding, they are INNOVATING.


Many Manifestors have been controlled since the time they were children. Parents controlled them by turning them into little Generators, then as they grow we try to control them by asking them a whole bunch of stupid questions (Like a Generator, rather than informing), getting in their way, and then they almost feel defeated. The conditioned Manifestor is then not waiting for inspiration, they're waiting for people. Waiting for people to invite them.  Waiting for people to ask them questions.


They're not here to wait for people, they're waiting for that inspiring moment and then they can innovate & create impact. For a manifestor to live out the fullness of their innovative process in life it is important they follow their strategy of informing. The act of informing gets people out of the way. Now, from a business perspective, having the not self energy of “get out of my way”  will not inspire people to join them.  I often see Manifestors cause resistance in their business through an energy of “with or without you this is what I am initiating & I am just telling you”.  While, yes, the auric nature gets people out of the way, it is important to be bringing people into their world & giving THEM the invitations, inspiration, emotional events, & right questions to join their movement.  



Anger comes from the not-self.  For some truly suppressed Manifestors they may identify more with frustration from a life attempting to be a Generator, however the true “not self” energetic sign post for the Manifestor is anger.  Unlike the Generator, who tends to constantly have an undertone of frustration, the Manifestor anger comes in like a lightning bolt, as Ra Uru Hu described it.  Anger is the response to having their creative process interrupted, which is something I work on with my Manifestor clients: Boundaries to ensure their creative process is able to stay intact.


Anger is a completely normal emotion & reaction in life. It was not Ra Uru Hu’s intention nor teachings that any emotion was negative & to be avoided.  What I am speaking of in terms of the not self is a signpost that there is something to be curious about in terms of meeting resistance.  This may happen, for example, when you are constantly being asked questions, and you've been trained to be a generator or manifesting generator and wait for other people. Another example may be that you are working on innovating within your business & your kids come running into the room, interrupting your process. Informing others, and creating boundaries, are necessary for the Manifestor to avoid the not self & work within the creative flow when the inspiration strikes!


You're waiting, but it's completely different. In your waiting, there's a creative process that's happening within you that nobody else is doing. Almost an underlying excitement of “When's that next impulse going to come for me to then initiate?”. When you inform, before initiating, you let others in on what is about to happen so that you can innovate with the most ease!



Manifestors are often highly conditioned Generators, responding to what is happening in the market, responding to other coaches, & creating something from there.  The business death of any Manifestor is imitation, as their entire design is based on innovating something & blazing a path for others.  Because Manifestors impact others, whether positively or negatively, you can feel immediately when there is inauthenticity or imitation in their marketing or brand. 

If you are a Manifestor reading this you are probably frustrated by consultants and coaches who are spinning you a mainstream strategy that sounds something like:

  • Do market research
  • See what your competitors are doing
  • Fill in the gap
  • Offer value.
  • Be consistent. 
  • Have a freebie.
  • Fill low ticket offers with high volumes of people.


While no strategy is inherently WRONG in business, ticking the boxes & doing what others have done before you is not the way of the Innovator.  For Manifestors it is truly about questioning everything you know to be true about business, marketing, & branding.  A Manifestor should not be:

  1. Responding to the market. (They innovate, not respond).
  2. Look to the market & fill in the gap. (You create a new way).
  3. Watering down their voice or power to fit mainstream (You naturally have an auric edge!)


Manifestors truly are innovators, and innovators change the way someone gets their needs met.  Manifestors change the way business is done.


The power of the Manifestor is exactly what we are going DEEP into within INNOVATORS THE MASTERMIND.  This is a high level 6 week mastermind for established entrepreneurs who are ready to drop the mainstream & begin innovating in their field.


If you are ready to leverage your design to gain the energetic edge, I welcome you into this revolutionary container!





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