The POWER of a Pivot

Aug 31, 2020


What is your first reaction to a pivot? I know how most see it because I have coached hundreds of women through it.
Whether consciously or unconsciously we have negative connections to a pivot. The worry about people judging us, the worry about “losing” people, the worry about “losing” all our hard work so far and having to start over….
What if we look at a pivot for what it really was? Embodying more of your higher self and ultimate personal destiny.
What if we looked at business, and life, as the journey it is and stayed in the moment rather than always trying to plan our next move?
Shit, if we look at it like that WHO KNOWS where you will be a year from now.
See, problems are man made and need TIME to survive. The PROBLEMS you see in your business are because you are leaving the now and trying to predict the next steps. You say “BUT I do have problems… How am I going to pay my bills at the end of the month?”. That is a problem because you focus on the future. And the more you focus on the future, and leave the now, the more real that potentiality becomes and you MAKE it real.
Problems cannot survive in the now. In the now you are simply being… Being who you are NOW.
And even trying to label that, who you are, requires words… And to use words you must LEAVE the now and go into the past.
The last 48 hours I had a MASSIVE revelation. You guys know me. I take you along for the wild ride. I never claim to have it all figured out. In fact, I PRAY that my circus gives you permission to embody more of yours.
For me it was not and will never be fitness OR Human Design.
It was never Manifestation OR Rewilding.
It was never the warrior tough as nails goddess OR the medicine woman.
All those are massive parts of my healing temples I am meant to bring out into the world: The mind, body & soul integration.
And by hiding one to be a good little entrepreneur bot or fit a mould I am not only doing my soul a disservice, I am doing the world a disservice.
And THIS is where I became burned out in June. The Warrior Goddess badass MF that loves training hard & dirty had been suppressed as I developed the medicine woman, the oracle and the nurturer (with my business being the focus).
For us spiritual types. The ones that came here with a souls mission. We CANNOT thrive while suppressing a side of us. It will not work and your business WILL suffer. If you came here to grind away at something that didn’t fully light you the EFF up. If you came here to only do one thing for the rest of your life..
Maybe, just maybe, you are actually lit up by what you are doing now BUT the problem is you are suppressing more of your souls mission?
I will never forget when I was shifting into fitness and embodying that side of me publicly as well I had a chat with someone and said “it is this mind body soul thing”…. I was missing the right words and then immediately my nose crunched as I said “blah, that is so corney….”, so I dropped it. But it is….
Mind, body, soul alchemy.
When I work with Generators they always worry about how long the “Generator Plateau” is. I can never give a length of time. But the more you force it the longer it is.
I have been in a deeper lesson and integration than I EVEN realized since the end up June. Where I thought I emerged from the chrysalis when strong.ER was reborn it is actually just this morning that it happened after 2 nights of wild astral projection and massive integration.
As I look back on this life so far I realize something that I always KNEW, and coached, but sometimes there is a day when things just hit on a much deeper level:
You are here to bring ALL of you forward.
All. Not pieces.
And through my spiritual work I have remembered a lot of my time in Lemuria & Atlantis, and how I am meant to bring forward healing temples here. For a long time I was subconsciously looking for ONE THING…. THE thing… The really special thing because there was NO way mind, body & soul integration was “enough”.
For me, the fitness side is helping women unleash the warrior goddess… The badass. There is literally nothing like doing hard things in the gym and having an outlet for allowing that warrior to come through. NOTHING compares… And the badass warrior goddess BOD is just icing on the cake 😉
Who knows, maybe one day there will be a rewilding meets fitness course!
Anyway, getting off topic!
The power lies in becoming aware of our subconscious programming and the neural connections we have created. I always say we MUST guard the gates of our mind like our life depends on it….
Every moment of every day you are being conditioned. You must take your power back.
Taking back your POWER= Taking back your ability to act in alignment with YOUR soul.
Focus on embodying more of your higher self and bringing more of YOU into the world, not on fitting into a box.
Nothing ever happened in the past. It happens in the NOW.
Nothing ever happens in the future. It happens in the NOW.
Allow yourself to be guided by the now.
YOU are enough. All pieces of you are enough. You do NOT have to hide any piece of you to be successful.
What are 2 things you have had on the back burner that are important to your souls mission to bring forth? Do them TODAY. NOW. In this exact moment. Do not hesitate. Move.
Take back your power.

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