The Radical Happiness Movement


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The Programming Goes DEEP: Accessing Inner Gifts

#astrologycertification #learningastrology #shewolf #shewolfinstincts #spiritualblog #womenempowerment #womenspiritualleaders Sep 28, 2020
The programming and conditioning to keep you at arms length from your gifts is REAL.
I used to CRINGE hearing mind, body & soul. I immediately envisioned some pretzel-like yoga position on a picturesque mountainside with flowy font over the picture promoting a yoga retreat.
In my journey and seeing how I have had extensive experience as a Health/ Physique coach, Astrologer/ Human Design Expert, Counsellor, badass divine being and more….
One day it hit me like a truck that every moment, every step of my experience was meant to come to a point right here, right now to bring this all together.
Maybe one day I will come up with a better way of expressing it rather than using the catch phrase for yoga retreats… Maybe not. I am unattached to that.
You are a multi-dimensional, energetic being…a Divine Being. You are so much more than just a physical being. Aspects of You actually exist in 10 different dimensions, with thousands of timelines available at every moment of every day!
But, for simplicity sake, because I already write and talk too much in a post, we are focusing on three of them; the dimensions of the body, mind and spirit.
You have your physical body, which exists in the 3rd dimension, your mind exists in the 4th dimension, and your spirit exists in the 5th dimension and beyond. Many of us have never given any thought to the connection between these three parts of ourselves and our current life circumstances.
The brilliant spiritual teacher, Neville Goddard said it best, “The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it.”
The thing is: When any part of this trio is out of alignment, you will not get new results. You need to send out a consistent vibration for your desire in order to align with it and therefore attract it into your physical experience.
If your spirit is saying “hey, this is what you want, and here is a way to get it,” and your mind is saying “nope, too scary,” those are too different vibrations, right? If your mind is saying “Yes! Great idea! I can see myself doing that!” And your physical self says “Eh, that sounds like a lot of effort, and I am pretty comfortable sitting right here on my couch watching Netflix.” Those are two different vibrations you are sending out.
So what happens when, in today’s society, we start dulling our instincts and numbing the inner wisdom & powerfully channeling abilities we are all born with?
The programming goes deeper than we even realize because so much of what we consider “normal” is actually keeping us in the box we are desperately trying to get out of.
During a conversation with a friend recently she said she gave up coffee 100% because it dulled her psychic abilities. We dove into a really great conversation that I wanted to share here.
Now, full disclosure I DO drink a cup of coffee in the am and the occasional glass of wine in the PM but I am aware of amounts and I never RELY on these things to numb out my mind, body or soul.
Fast forward to this morning: I was watching Insta stories this morning and saw a lot about “appetite suppressants” or “Morning go go juice” being marketed…
Things to hype you up in the morning or numb you to the fact that you are starving your body to obtain a certain look. Then of course, not to mention things to bring you DOWN from all the 3rd dimensional crap you pumped into your body all day when night comes and your soul is SCREAMINGGGGGG for your to listen (What we call insomnia) but sure, just pop a few more sleeping pills.
Side note: Been there, done that and sleeping pills do NOT work when it is an arterial bleed of the soul. Your soul will just scream louder… Then you are groggy in the morning from not sleeping DESPITE the heavy hitters…. Which means MORE coffee, pre workouts, caffeine pills…
Get where I am going?
Ohhhhh the programming is so real.
Now, if you are looking to lose weight you do have to be in a caloric deficit and that will, if you have a healthy metabolism, make you hungry. Hunger in an of itself is NOT bad. It is simply your body communicating with you. Feeling the need to SUPPRESS your body wisdom and instinct IS bad. With my clients, when this happens we don’t DULL the inner wisdom of the body we increase calories and see the feedback we get.
But we are absolutely BOMBARDED with ways to dull our senses and kill our natural instincts.
Coffee in the morning to dull the fact you have an arterial bleed from the soul that is causing restless nights (And I lived with 2 YEARS of chronic debilitating insomnia so I can definitely speak on this issue from personal experience!).
Pound back the pre workouts to somewhat jumpstart your body into giving a damn that you are living a life that drains the very life from your being.
Then of course at night downers to wind down after hyping your body up all day. Maybe even to fit a certain timeline that you “must” fall asleep within rather than just LISTENING to your body and sleeping when it says it is tired.
And I can sense the “You don’t get it I HAVE to get up at 6 so I HAVE to go to sleep at 9”. This is all part of the bigger issue of NOT listening to your body throughout the day. NOT listening to your cues that the life you are living is destroying your soul. And it is ALSO part of the larger programming. Case in point: Who told you that YOU, a distinct divine individual needed 8 hours of sleep? Was it higher self? Inner wisdom? Likely no. Likely the programming or someone in your life. Maybe YOUR body desires 6… or 7… or 10…. But the more you force your 3rd dimensional programming on it the further you are from actually hearing what your body is telling you.
Surrounding yourself with people who also have deadened instincts, with no intent on repairing them, also just further solidifies the programming. Not realizing there is a way out.
But first you have to break free from the cage.
And it isn’t through continuing to bombard your body with shit to force it into caring….
Then sitting down and getting your 10 minutes of meditation in to become more spiritually awake.
If you are tired, your body is trying to tell you something.
If you are constantly injured, your body is trying to tell you something… In fact, injuries and disease in certain areas of the body tell you something BIG.
If you have insomnia your SOUL is trying to tell you something and you just damn well aren’t listening when you are awake because you are too busy numbing it out with uppers and downers.
We are always connected to spirit… To source… To higher self.
You are irrevocably connected to the Earth/ Sky/ All that is.
We cause our own suffering, not because life is so big and unpredictable but because we are so attached to our desires, expectations and the drama happening all around us.
Instead of embracing the messages we attach to how things should be…
We SHOULD have more energy.
We SHOULD be sleeping by now.
We SHOULD be further along in our business.
We SHOULD have lost the weight by now.
What if you took a hot second, slowed down and connected to yourself and the messages that are coming through?
Let go of who you wish you were or how you think things should be and allow yourself to be radically YOU. Radiantly magnetic. And creatively who you came here to be.
And start to call what all the crap you pump into your body what it is:
Keeping you locked into the Matrix and further away from your instincts.
SHE WOLF INSTINCT is coming in November (This is mind, body and soul!), as well as an Astrology Level 1 certification winter 2020!
Let’s leave 2020 with an epic AF bang!

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