The Role of the Mind

Mar 14, 2022

Society has taught you your intuition (inner authority) is irrational, crazy, not to be trusted…

We have been conditioned into a society that disconnects us from our ancient feminine power…

OUR power.

Our wolf-like senses downgraded & labeled “anxiety” & not the pulsating energetic power that it is moving through our veins.

The role of the mind in Human Design or any spiritual practice, is to be the awareness centre; the outer authority for others.  The sacred masculine upholds, and holds, your feminine chaos & order, the ebbs & flows… Your creation & destruction. 

It is very interesting to me as I observe others' experiments in regards to Human Design; and please know I say this with no judgment, simply curious observation: 

The mind gains more power, not less for the vast majority of people.  That may be why Ra said only 4% of people ever actually increase their level of spiritual awakening.  The mind is now bargaining with the person, weighing pros & cons, thinking about things that don’t matter….

A far cry off from even the emotional authority who is emotional clarity, not mental certainty.

I spent 3.5 ish years studying Human Design at the “official” schools (IHDS & BG5).  I would see women & men spend the same amount of time, 5-8 hours per week studying for 3.5+ years (some much longer), and have no further connection to their body.  In some cases drastically LESS connection to their body.

Their years of studying & certifications at the end of the day didn’t mean a whole lot as there was no connection to the body, no embodiment.  The information was coming in but getting stuck. It was a mind gaining more & more power, and a person gaining more & more confusion.

And of course, this isn’t Human Design or Gene Keys fault.  I believe a lot of it is the more, faster, bigger, logical wounded paradigms we have been so deeply conditioned into- but that is for another post.

Today I invested in 3 things that make no “sense”.  I saw them, didn't even know the person selling them, received a sacral YESSS, & purchased. All before 9 am.

It is the linear logical world that tells a woman she is irrational, has wounds, needs to fix her money stories, etc for acting in such a way.

It is a wounded paradigm that tells women they have to spend their entire lives healing before they can claim their INNATE power.

Toxic conditioning keeping powerful women subdued in an illusion of separateness. 

Is it not irrational to waste energy, time, & sanity rolling a decision over & over when you know what is in your heart…

And from that space when you finally make a decision the ONLY “appropriate” solution is the one the ego has determined is the “correct” one….

And your path may be very different than what the ego has decided is “right” anyway…

It doesn’t mean what happened is wrong.

Is it not irrational to be so stuck in the material 3D illusion that you believe your most incredible destiny, activations, & path come from what you know to already be true.

That you can think it up & place it on a vision board.


I am bored of the linear logical world.  The majority of what I used to love to see online simply is sand paper against my soul. 

Shifts have happened, threads pulled, that I can’t loosen.  We are being called IN, not out.  And I am here to support those that are answering that call.

My life & business is going through massive shifts & I feel they will only intensify & quicken as this year moves on.  I am embarking on 2 massive journeys over the course of this year.

I currently FEEL the power of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix taking her hold in preparation for 2027 as I awaken further simply to be burned to ashes so that I can rise again.

Over. And over.

What things will look like by the end of the year, I do not know…

But I can say I have been called into much deeper service to the invisible realms; to spirit.

Right now I have space in my 1:1 Voxer, 3 month contract 3 weeks on, 1 week integration.  This is deep spiritual embodiment & igniting your higher purpose. $600 USD per month for a limited time.

Packages that include zoom calls are currently booked as of yesterday (Don’t worry, if you already confirmed with me in DM’s you are in!).  My energy, especially on zoom calls, is sacred & I hold boundaries around how often I am on them.

DM me to speak more about the Voxer sessions to see if they are right for you.

And if you are in for this wild ride that we will be going on, here, together, buckle up as I feel this is going to be a rapid burning & rising!





P.S- Keys to Cash will be launched by the end of next week & she will go into an evergreen funnel to take care of herself as I go on this path!

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