Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The Sacral in Human Design

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There has been much discussion & disagreement around the Manifesting Generator, however as Ra said: “A Generator is a Generator is a Generator”. 

Aura determines type, therefore, the MG IS a Generator.  This is important because alignment with the basic strategy & authority is critical for the unfolding of everything else.  Manifestors inform due to their aura, it is closed & repelling pushing life away, the MG has the open & enveloping aura.  People GET you just by being in your energy.  You do not need to inform them.

I often hear “Ya, but my husband likes it better when I inform him of what I am doing”.  And my answer is, “well, of course…”.  No one, regardless of design, is meant to go around selfishly steamrolling people with little regard to others feelings or desires.  Informing as a mechanism of the Manifestor aura is different than communication with and consideration of people in your life.  It also doesn’t mean that a Manifestor gets a free pass to say “fuck everyone, I am going to do whatever I want”.  

Also, sure, your mind likely has its own reasons on why you should be doing things a certain way.  Why it just can’t be as easy as responding, or trying to figure out what is right for you.  The mind will come with a whole host of reasons.  And time doesn’t even guarantee surrender. We must first remove the power the mind has over your life, which includes what it THINKS it should look like.

The truth is the mind is NOT on your side.  It will tell you whatever it tells you.  It has to learn, and you have to teach it, its place.  You have to get to the point that it surrenders to you being your own Authority claiming what is rightfully yours.  But it will never come through the mind.  It will never come through defensiveness, partial self states, or even reasons.  The mind has ALL the reasons.  It doesn’t mean it is true.

Each TRUE response brings you closer & closer to the de-conditioning process and the beginning of getting YOUR life back.  The not self is not a life.  This is the real work; surrender.  And it is 7 years at least.  

Ra said: “Generators get into losing themselves very easily.  I mean that seriously in the sense that yes, you can begin experimenting with waiting, responding, and making decisions in response but your mind holds on.  You will fight your mind to the end of the seven years.  You will fight it to the end.  After three-and-a-half years, you will already recognize that you are winning all the time.  You’re winning all the time, doesn’t make it easier.  Doesn’t make you feel better.  Doesn’t take away the pressure from your mind.  But deep within you, you recognize the mind basically has had its day.”

I think, in my opinion, what is very often missing in the new age spirituality world, is humility for the process.  Humbleness for how much we do NOT know.  A willingness to see everything differently & question everything we know to be true.  Yet, without this you never get your life back.  You never get true surrender.  You gain an illusion of control hidden in a veil of “embodiment”.  

It’s funny, this process.  In the beginning, especially when you first learn Human Design, Ra was completely correct: The mind simply gains more power.  As you go on this deconditioning journey, one I couple with Gene Keys, Positive Psychology, & somatic experiencing for my clients you begin to realize how little you actually understood or know, and you become ever more comfortable in the mystery.  Ever more comfortable with the environment taking care of you.  Ever more comfortable with a deep layer of self trust.  It doesn’t mean the mind lets go, but it means you rest in this deep sense of groundedness that allows your business to grow from strong roots hugging deep into Gaia.

Ra also said: “When you get to the end of that seven year cycle then, like an newborn baby, you come out of the womb, and you come out as yourself, and you come out with your Authority, you’re God in this world.  And you get to see what like is going to be.  And only at that point will the grip of your Purpose, your Profile, your Cross, your Character, your Role, only then will you be gripped by it.  It will take you fully like you’ve never been taken, and it will take you on that ride”.

What following the sacral ultimately means is not following the mind but following the natural flow of your unique energy.

The Sacral Yes, a 6 week Generator & MG program, was designed SPECIFICALLY to help sacral beings ignite their life force energy for more power, purpose, & prosperity.  Being trained in both Human Design & BG5, from the official schools, allows me to bring you both the spiritual side & more practical business applications that can be brought into your business TODAY for major shifts & results!


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