Dec 29, 2021“This Siddhi of Invisibility creates vast ripples of awakening, which influence all life to thrive, without anyone even seeing us while we do it. That is Divine Pride. Only you and the gods know what you’ve done.” ~ Richard Rudd
Moving from pride to artfulness to invisibility.
In morning contemplation & meditation a fox came up. She playfully drew my attention to Gene Key 26, as she is the totem animal for this Gene Key, & the calling within the collective right now. She danced over the sacred geometry, showing patterns & gifts waiting to be unveiled. The forces in the universe that are literally waiting for you, for us, to engage them. Beyond what the conscious mind or ego can comprehend or make sense of.
I see you. I see the yearning for change. I am a stand for you.
What I observe is a movement, particularly within the coaching industry, to sacred service. The calling to divine pride. The calling for MORE than stacking material accomplishments for the sake of accumulation or ego pride. The calling for simply MORE heart led work within this world.
Something I wish to reflect on here is it is easy to be pulled into this or that thinking. That either you are spiritual & enlightened or wealthy & greedy. This isn’t what I am drawing you into here. What I am drawing you into is the energy in which you do the thing. The energy in which you use your cleverness. The energy in which you use your will.
Is it in service to your own ego or in service to the whole?
Big service requires big prosperity to carry out. Big humanitarian work requires BIG prosperity to make a massive change with. Sitting at the right tables to create large change in this world requires wealth. We each signed up for the material plane. There is no bypassing it & falling into the victim mind around wealth & prosperity does no one any good.
YOU can do incredible things with more wealth & prosperity. Again, the question becomes: What are you actually in service to? The ego or the whole? Service or your own pride?
Again, this isn’t about using your light for others where you can’t even keep the lights on in your own house. When you surrender & follow your golden path you actually finally, without resistance, are able to experience the true soul level prosperity that is meant for you so THAT you can carry out your highest purpose. Something more grand & beautiful than anything the ego could comprehend & create. So this path, the Golden Path, doesn’t mean that you are now left with the lights off & on low battery as you become the martyr serving others at sacrifice to yourself.
Clever as a fox, the perfect catch phrase for the sacred trickster. The question becomes: In what way are you using your cleverness?
Here you are in survival mode because you hold the view there are not enough resources to go around. To operate within this shadow you are clever, a great taker, using the cleverness for your own personal gain & TAKING. The cleverness gives it the pride, sense of inner self satisfaction. It draws this from alway seeking a bargain by cutting corners & using others.
This shadow can easily edit it's own consciousness & rationalize what it is doing. It doesn't even see by taking from one place they take from the whole. This shadow has the mentality of “that isn’t my problem” or “why should I care about that”.
In relationships this shadow will say anything to maintain pride & be right, an obsessively defensive state. Making yourself right which inevitably makes the other person wrong.
In this state, which is what I see often in the online space: NO amount of success is enough. There is always a hollowness as you seek more & more. A hole in the bottom of your bucket where the energy just continues to drain from. There is no inward prosperity or fulfillment despite outward success. I have worked with many multiple 6 figure & 7 figure earners on their Human Design & Gene Keys that come to me stating THIS very thing. And even if they don’t have Gene Key 26 we ALL hold every Gene Key within.
The fear that drives this shadow is the fear of not having enough, therefore you develop strategies for taking rather than giving, and usually this is within the same energy of shaming the “system”, patriarchy, etc. An example Richard Rudd used is creating bargains in your business under the illusion of helping others and yet it is simply to hit higher income goals yourself. Taking, rather than giving. Again, this isn’t to say sales & bargains are bad, it is the energy in which you do it within. It is not giving if the underlying motive is to simply make more money yourself (hate me for saying this, and yet when the ego takes a back seat & relaxes you will realize this is true).
When using cleverness in service to the whole it shifts into the gift.
Richard Rudd said: The shadow here will blame the system & those at the top but will use the same hierarchy to get ahead of others. It is riddled with hypocrisy.
The 26th gift celebrates your ego without self-judgement & in full awareness. This is HEART marketing.
Richard Rudd said: Here you learn the great secret in life. You learn the difference between will & intention. The problem with the shadow frequency is that you cannot possibly know what your dreams really are. Inside the coils of your DNA your highest purpose lies concealed. Your higher purpose can only manifest when you surrender your individual will to nature as a whole.
At his frequency the cleverness & sneakiness can be put to good use, rather than manipulating others. The purpose here is to redistribute resources for the betterment of the whole. The question here is:
What is the most I can do to really create positive & lasting change on this planet in this lifetime?
What you learn at this frequency is how to use pride creatively, it becomes something powerful and even beautiful. The 26th Gene Keys holds a deep love of selling someone something (the material plane), and remember, selling is not BAD. This Gene Key loves selling a product, yourself or a truth. There is a deep love of marketing here. To sell something you must embrace the energy of pride & ego that lies within all humans AND use it in service to the whole in alignment with your highest purpose. THIS is the difference.
Ra Uru Hu used to say: We always sell to someone’s not self. We purchase because we have a problem we want solved. The question is are you selling to someone’s not self to get them out of it or to keep them in it?
THIS is what Richard Rudd is speaking of here.
In order to transcend the ego one must have an ego worth giving up. I ask you to sit with this for a moment. Maybe even set the intention to sink into this in your meditation today. Contemplate this.
At the siddhi pride of the ego of the shadow is perfected. The siddhi is always the same energy but polished. A jewel to be put into the service of all that is. This is where we enter into divine pride, where only you & the gods know what you have done. Where you work hard in silence & allow the ripple effects to be your noise.
Richard Rudd said: The smallest act of selflessness reaches out into the cosmos with tendrils of light.
And yet, often this is even tainted by the shadow of this Gene Key. “Doing” gratitude so that you can be in a higher frequency so that you can manifest what you want. Donating so that you can “release” money & get more money. Again, the discounting of products not because you truly desire to help others but for individualistic ego gain.
It is always the energy in which we do it in.
What we learn here is that the fastest way to change the cosmos is to change that which is right in front of you now. There are forces in the universe that are literally waiting for us to engage them.
With this Gene Key Richard Rudd asks: How can you use your magicians trick to have the light fall on someone else. Here you can smile secretly to yourself & keep that work between you & the Gods of Karma. Here you go out into the world & make a difference, influence the past & future.
I recommend, whether you have this Gene Key or not contemplating this today. Having crossed this post the fox calls you into where this is showing up in your path.
Who has this Gene Key in their hologenetic profile? Drop in the comments! She is my Attraction.
And if you are desiring to venture into the depths of your soul within Gene Keys I invite you into The Golden Path, a monthly membership to support you on the rediscovering of who you are & stepping into your highest purpose.