The Truth About Building a Soul Aligned Business

Aug 01, 2022

One of the biggest traps for soul led creators, which keep them on the hamster wheel NEVER truly gaining the freedom their soul seeks?

The idea that if they build it then they will come.

The idea that you can fly by the seat of your pants & build something that is sustainable, consistently scales over time, & is something that not only provides wealth but FREEDOM, fulfillment, & HAPPINESS.

And this is an easy trap to get caught in.  The flashy numbers, the luxury lifestyles, the “if I can do it you can too”, which is all true, however the hidden truth is what it takes to “make it”.

So what does it take:

âś…It takes a long term plan so that you can create recurring income, know where you are moving towards without a constant panic for income.  This also allows you to plan for actual LAUNCHES & create the structure to support you in launches (A launch isn’t just “hey I now have this thing available…”)

âś… It takes facing where YOU are holding yourself back with stories.  Especially if you already have a successful business it MAY look like slowing down to speed up so that you can put the foundations in place (also why I suggest putting them in place from day 1).  It will also likely look like breaking the addiction to the monthly chase.  

âś… Treating your business like a business.  Treat it like a hobby & it will pay like one.  There is nothing wrong with this but then you can’t complain when it doesn’t have an ROI.

âś… Allow your business to be a business.  This can be an initiation in itself, how to allow it to be your calling, your soul work, without allowing it to swallow you whole.  When I stopped attempting to have my business entertain me, be my source of validation or happiness, or be something it wasn’t meant to be (my baby!) it actually allowed me to look at it OBJECTIVELY & build it like a business.

âś… Create the vision for your life first then fit the business into that, rather than the other way around. I mean, do you even WANT to be launching live products monthly with 15 1:1 clients & 10 Voxer clients just to say you “made it” to the next level? Is that sustainable?

âś… Get someone that can help you build a business.  Many people are receiving incredible income but have a hamster wheel, unable to step off without the wheels coming off.  Many of these entrepreneurs, with multiple 6 & 7 figure businesses come to me burned out, unhappy, & stressed AF not knowing what to do for a long term plan.  I help them build an off ramp.

If THIS sounds like something you are ready for… Building an actual BUSINESS from soul.  My masterminds & 1:1 mentorship is for you.  DM or check out links in my bio to learn more.



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