The Radical Happiness Movement


Your business, your life, your unique wiring—it’s all connected. Dive into bold ideas, actionable strategies, and grounded guidance to help you align with your next chapter and thrive.

The Undefined Head Centre Shifts To Make NOW!

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🚨IMPORTANT ➡️ As long as you IDENTIFY with the not self, and what you are taking in, you cannot be WISE on that energy & therefore create resistance in business. 🚨

It is never a problem that you take in others' energy through your openness.  The problem is that you IDENTIFY with it.  Ra said he believed the openness amplifies energy at 200% so that we KNOW it is not ours…

If you have spent your entire life creating an identity, beliefs, habits, & behaviours around identification with the not self you HAVE to now choose, DECIDE, & create discipline around BEING the YOU that is doing the damn thing, getting results, & becoming WISE on your openness…. Now.  Not one day or when you ___.  

For different results you have to stop identifying with the not self & use your openness as a place of wisdom.  Period.

You also have to cut that shit out to begin allowing cash to flow through the wisdom you have gained from having those centres/ gates/ channels undefined.  If you are stuck in the not self of the head centre you will NOT magnetize defined head centres who desire your wisdom to guide them.  

When clients start with me I hear a lot of “Because I have an undefined head centre ______” insert not self identification:

❌ I am easily overwhelmed.

❌ I don’t know what to do.

❌ I have a million browsers open in my head.

❌ I am easily distracted.

❌I always feel under pressure.

Any time I hear “Because I have the undefined head centre” it is RARELY followed up with:

✅I always know what is inspiring.

✅I only use my energy to think about things that matter to me.

✅ I am easily inspiring to others & help them gain clarity.

✅I never move from pressure but allow it to move through me.

And it may seem as well & innocent however your identities that come through in your language give me insight into where you are stuck in the not self cycles, and again, as long as you are identifying with it that NEXT LEVEL you know in your heart is yours to have…

Will be out of reach.

So we have a “No I don’t know”  rule in my communities.  

We also have a “No identifying with the not self/ negotiating with the not self” rule in my communities.

It is why results happen SO fast.  Identities shift, language shifts, & ultimately how my clients show up SHIFTS & that ripple creates massive results…. Fast.

Look, if you are here to change the world, create a revolution, & make millions the reality is playing games with your not self is not the way to do it.

Use the shifts in the slides to shift your language TODAY & I promise, if you kick your own ass about shifting your language every time you hear the BS lies of the not self come up, you WILL see change.

And if you desire to join me & my badass clients in one of my offers this month, here is how you can work with me:

1️⃣ Leverage Your Human Design to 🚀 Sales! This is a free training happening on Wednesday with a pop up community to hang out with other badasses.  My free trainings aren’t half assed… They are whole assed.  You will walk away with tangible steps you can take TODAY.  And yes, I will invite you into Keys to Cash, my Human Design money membership afterwards if you desire to continue the shifts!

2️⃣ You Are The Niche Human Design High Intensive Workshop!  This will CHANGE YOUR WORLD.  For a long time I felt in this push & pull with clients I was attracting & how to serve… We are going to go DEEP into understanding yourself, your dream clients (Through Human Design), & your role in the shift into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.  This is a NOT MISS 3 hour training!

3️⃣ICONIC, my business by Human Design 6 month mastermind.  This is ONLY for the revolutionaries who dare to dream big & take action on those dreams.  It is a high level mastermind with a Slack channel for support between hot seat calls & trainings!  

All links are in my bio & I have an offer for everyone, to meet you where you are at & 🚀 results.


See you on the inside,



Reclaim Your Energy, Focus, and Freedom—Join The Radical Happiness Movement.


Let’s challenge the rules, rewrite the story, and break free together.

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