The Radical Happiness Movement


Your business, your life, your unique wiring—it’s all connected. Dive into bold ideas, actionable strategies, and grounded guidance to help you align with your next chapter and thrive.

Turning Shit to Gold

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The secret to turn shit to gold?


Your business has problems?  Everyone's does, no matter how much they make.  What does Tony say?  Something along the lines of “You have problems?  So what, it means you are alive.  The only people without problems are dead”.

I will take it a step further and say ➡️ The only people without problems in their business don’t have a business. 🤷‍♀️

Something many people won’t tell you about business, because it isn’t sexy, is sometimes you hit resistance, obstacles, & downright shit storms.  There is no way to hold the vibe around this or calibrate to avoid this.

Being a CEO & running a business can be hard at times and it is NOT only linear growth.  It isn’t about avoiding these times but deciding who you are & what they mean about you as you move through them.

Anyway, back to my shit storm:

My problems started when I started to search for problems to fix so that I could scale.  I stopped showing up for my mission, what I was passionate about & began to contort myself into the good little entrepreneur-bot role.   I worried more about what I said & how.  I got caught up in the details of the perfect funnel, the perfect this or that.  I started thinking about who I had to be to be at the right tables RATHER THAN who I knew I was always meant to be.  I started to shave down my rough edges to fit a mould.

While, sure, the business still made an impact & income it was HARDER than I knew it was meant to be.  It was like moving through sludge.  I started attracting the wrong situations that I just did not have the energy for (sacral authority!) & my health even started to decline rapidly.

It all came to a glorious shit hitting the fan in a massive back injury which was NOT from working out but my sports specialist said was from work. 

And the more I worked to figure it out, make it happen, be the person I believed I needed to be to be at the “right tables” the MORE shit rained down on my parade.

So the shift?

Instead of trying to fix things, or search for things to fix, I simply showed up for what was moving through me.


I came back to what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it, because it was simply the MESSAGE that was moving through me & needed to be shared.  I started waving the freak flag again, sharing my particular brand of crazy, simply because that is my creative flow & anything else makes me just not want to show up. 

The reality is, if you are anything like me & my clients:  Anything other than you being YOU in every facet of life & business simply won’t work long term…. Especially if you are doing things to get a certain outcome.

You will get tired of the shit & burn it all to the ground… Over & over again.

If you are ready to STOP burning it down & relentlessly, unapologetically, create a life wilder than your dreams on YOUR TERMS or not at all, I welcome you into one of the following rooms:

➡️ Your Unfair Advantage is my new mini course kicking off December 22nd with content dropping every day for a week!  This is the definitive course for dropping the illusions & showing up UNFILTERED, unapologetic, & unshakeable in YOUR truth.  It’s time to wave your freak flag!  Link in bio to join!

➡️ICONIC, my 6 month truly iconic mastermind, to create a business FROM SOUL that creates money flow, dream client attraction, and more your way.  This is a success accelerator & creative flow igniter like nothing else!


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