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The Undefined Heart Centre/ Will Power & Self Worth in Human Design

#undefinedego Jul 25, 2024


To quote Beauty & The Beast, is this not “the story as old as time”.  Who amongst us hasn’t felt the weight of the world on our chest as we desperately try to prove ourselves to our parents, teachers, coaches, mentors, and even ourselves.  Who hasn’t desperately gripped for control (Gate 21) as we feel if only we can control the circumstances we can control the outcome.  While the defined heart centre (called will power in BG5)  is not exempt from a dysfunctional way of experiencing this centre in this article we are going to discuss the undefined heart centre.  A centre, in the not self, that has a nagging voice of “I’m not a good employee/ business owner/ mother unless I prove myself by doing this or that”.


Disclaimer: This article bridges the gap between Human Design, the spiritual awakening system, and BG5.


Ra Uru Hu, the founder of both the BG5 System & the Human Design System, said this about BG5:



BG5 is something that is very—different in the sense that it's not traditional Human Design, and that for me it is probably one of the most spectacular ways in which the knowledge that I was given can be used in a way that’s of value to human beings.

I see the trans-auric forms, the business applications or family applications of this knowledge, to be very different from the personal application. The personal application is something that takes place when somebody is ready, in a sense, to challenge what seems to be what life is, to see if there is something else. And in so many ways, regardless of their state, they need to be ready for such a thing.

What we are looking at with BG5 is the most fundamental and basic issue that all human beings have to face, and that is the material dimension of their life. It is obvious that the rich are different from the poor, to quote from Gatsby. It is obvious that there are extraordinary advantages that are available to those in the developed world as compared to those that are in the undeveloped world. Material, no matter how we look at it philosophically or politically, we live on the material plane and have to deal with the consequences of living on that plane. 

One of the things that is so interesting for me about doing the business side of the knowledge that I received is, in a sort of comical way, this is the black side to the Human Design white side. The goal here isn’t to wake people up. The goal here isn't for them to recognize that they are not-self. The goal here is not to transform them in terms of what we understand as a mystical or esoteric or whatever spiritual transformation. That is not the business here. The business is the bottom line. It’s the bottom line. And it’s something that everybody needs; everybody.

The moment you begin to understand the nature of an aura is the moment you can take this information and use it as a way to guide the not-self to the advantages and disadvantages…. We teach them how to take advantage of their not-self. And it's important. 

Because you see, the bottom line again isn’t something holy and spiritual here. This is about the bottom line. It is about being productive. It is about making money. It is about knowing how to work with people.”

Therefore, in the Human Design system we focus on deconditioning however in BG5, business, we look at how we can use the not self for profit.  While I do not believe you need to go on a deconditioning journey to increase profit potential in your business, I do believe that deconditioning leads to a happier life for heart led people.  The biggest problem I see, however, is heart led women actually focusing on healing/ deconditioning so heavily that they actually limit their potential earnings due to the “healing hamster wheel”, as I call it.  As always, I find myself in the grey zone, the nuance of taking action while also going on the deconditioning journey.  The potential for “both and” existing at the same time is a reality available to all.


The Undefined Heart Centre/ Will Power


We live in a world where we are inundated with messages of be better, look younger, be more professional, be richer, faster, more successful, etc.  These messages put a deep pressure on us all, however the undefined ego is easily conditioned by this energy taking on those beliefs (and pressure) as its own.  The undefined ego then becomes trapped in a vicious cycle of trying to prove themselves.  As they fail to fulfill their commitments and promises, they make more promises to make up for the deficiency, only to (often) daily again.  This becomes even more prominent in ADHD business owners & high achievers that I have worked with over the years.

This is not the fault of the undefined ego.  As they pick themselves up over & over again they continue on this cycle due to the conditioning.  Conditioning that says “you need to be thinner, faster, smarter, richer, prettier…”.

People with undefined hearts are then driven by the “need” for consistent willpower and for the courage to be willful.  The conscious, or unconscious, narrative becomes “why can’t I get what they have?”, “Why can’t I be as fast or as good as they are?”, “I should be able to compete with them”. They are conditioned to want willpower yet do not have consistent access to it.

The result of all this pressure?


This person becomes a burned out over achiever always attempting to prove themselves.


The Mantra of the Undefined Heart Centre


If you have an undefined Heart centre you are not here to prove yourself.  You understand that you have nothing to prove.  Now, this does not mean you cannot achieve great success nor be successful, it simply mean you don’t have to be successful to prove your worth.  It also means you do not have to tie your worth to the level of success or wealth you have achieved.


The mantra for my clients with an undefined heart centre is:  “I have nothing to prove- to anyone, not even myself”.


The Undefined Heart Centre in Business


Now, how does this centre relate to business?  First, I always say to my clients: “It is the energy in which you enter something”.  You can still be competitive with an undefined heart.  You can still have willpower with an undefined heart (of course!).  You can still achieve great success.  The question is: Are you chasing that success to try and prove yourself? Are you chasing that success so people will see you as worthy (or so that you will see yourself as worthy)?  Or are you doing it  for the right reasons?  Therein lies the nuance.

From a BG5 perspective, the Heart Centre is called “Will Power”.  This center only has 4 ways in and out (Gates) – but is the most complex of all the centres (Called functions in BG5).  The Will holds a large distortion field within humanity as about 63% of the population has the centre undefined & therefore are running around trying to prove themselves.

A simple example Ra gave in regards to Will Power and business is this:

Two people are interviewing for the same job which ultimately is underpaying for the level of expertise. They both have the exact same qualifications. But one has Willpower Defined and the other has it Undefined. What is the outcome?

In learning more about the expectations of the role & pay gap the defined ego passes on the opportunity while the undefined ego takes the job thinking they have to “prove themselves” in the industry. 

I also see this in coaching with personal brands.  While this can certainly show up, in different ways, for the defined ego, the undefined ego tends to over deliver & under price themselves from a place of attempting to prove themselves.  Further, from this place people are creating personal brands that only serve short term goals (sales/ proving self/ attempting to support the tribe in front of them) rather than the long term goals of becoming the authority for the right people.  This can have disastrous effects when the day comes that the person decides they want to work with the “right” target audience, however the entirety of their brand has been incorrect for that target audience.


Leveraging the Undefined Will Power in Business


Remember what Ra talked about previously.  Business is not about spiritual awakening or getting rid of the not self but in leveraging it for profit potential.  We attract our opposite, therefore in business if you have an undefined Will Power you are designed to help others use their Will Power correctly (put quite simplistically for article purposes).

When you come to a place of accepting you have nothing to prove and trust your decision making strategy (inner authority)  to provide what is correct for you; you can gain great wisdom about the trustworthiness of one's word, the use of money, and personal power on the material plane.  You then use this wisdom to help the defined will power use their will power correctly, because simply having a defined will power does not mean they are using it correctly! 


How the Undefined Ego shows up in the world in an unhealthy way:


  • Endless Weight loss programs. 
  • Overachievers - never enough. 
  • Certificate Addiction. 
  • Trying to keep up with the Jones. 
  • Over-spending to try improve yourself.

For those with ADHD you may experience these even more so amplified than those without ADHD.


How the Undefined Ego shows up in the world in a healthy way:


  • Friendly competition to help move you towards your goals. 
  • Charging based on qualifications, expertise, & knowledge rather than trying to prove yourself. 
  • Healthy Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence.


Ways to Shift This


The reality is this:  In business (BG5) there is no deconditioning journey.  Who you are today will not get you different results within your business.  In my BRAND VIP Days, and with coaching clients, we use this information to create a clear, consistent brand that speaks to the right people.  In this case, we leverage your wisdom to create marketing & BRAND positioning that naturally attracts the defined will power, as your undefined will power is your “money receptor”.

In terms of spiritual awakening start your deconditioning journey!  I work with clients within my BG5 Power Sessions, as well as Holistic Human Design Coaching, to target self sabotage patterns & help them decondition the patterns they have made their own.  Warning: This isn’t a quick fix.  This is a journey of truly being committed to understanding yourself on a deeper level from a place of patience.  As an official Gene Keys Guide I enjoy combining Gene Keys with Human Design to support clients on their journey of transformation.

I believe CEO’s can do both at once.  You can lead yourself into a lever of power in your present situation that allows you to leverage this centre while also going on the deconditioning journey to understand yourself on a deeper level.  You do not need to heal more to be successful now.

The deconditioning journey itself can also be a bit of a rabbit hole for the undefined will power, who can tend to fall into a healing & certification hamster wheel to prove themselves or be accepted.  Awareness of this can help you truly accept who you are, flaws and all, leveraging the deconditioning journey not to fix yourself but to understand yourself.

If you are interested in working together please feel free to email [email protected] to discuss what package or option is right for you.  I do offer custom packages for those that are looking for both deconditioning & business support.

See you on the inside, legend.




Elite Human Design Consulting



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