Dec 14, 2021Ra: There are a lot of black magicians wearing white hats.
Why do I speak out about the Human Design Coaching industry?
It certainly doesn’t make me popular within the online Human Design “expert” space.
It is because the majority of my client base started with other experts & come to me no further ahead than if they had googled the information (their words) even AFTER certifications by people.
I have people in my certification that were certified at popular schools that literally have no idea how to read a bodygraph or don’t understand the black vs red in a bodygraph or how that impacts someone on the subtle levels (ie- What does it mean if someone has an individual mind activated by a conscious channel vs unconscious channel). And the reality is because their coach has no idea about it!
I also have students that went to the official schools with literally no idea how to coach. So they have a ton of knowledge, should be the GO TO EXPERT in their niche, but have no idea how to lead someone with it or how to build a coaching business with it….
So they remain the internets best kept secret.
And yes, we can say in coaching that clients are responsible for their results AND when a “Certification” is lacking even teaching someone hanging gates or the impact of conditioning through areas other than the centres….
That isn’t a client problem. That is a coach/ certification problem.
My opinion: We have been accepting a sub par level of Human Design knowledge & it is causing sub par results for clients.
I don’t say this to be a bitch, although with the Integration Field activations today it certainly is a “I don’t care to empower” energy that we are all dealing with today…
And if you know my chart I have heavy collective circuitry which is very much “I share what I see is wrong (Channel of Judgement)...
I say this because if you are going to coach Human Design or put out a certification with the name Human Design you have a level of responsibility to be in integrity with the Science of Differentiation.
And across the board it just isn’t happening.
I noticed this hole & I created the Human Design Coaching Academy.
Tomorrow I begin recording pre-recorded modules for the “Coaching” modules of the HDCA that I wish had even been in my COACHING certifications but were not.
We are going deepppppp into what it means to be an epic, stand out coach, lead powerful sessions AND get your clients OUT OF THIS WORLD results so that you can grow at a rapid pace organically.
2022 is going to be EPIC…
And if you desire to be a part of it I welcome you into the Human Design Coaching Academy.
There is a bundle available with the mastermind & Business by Human Design…
If you are ready to show up for YOU, your business & your clients in 2022 I am ready to support you FULLY in creating the business & life of your dreams….
Applications are open for another 21 days for the HDCA!
When the doors close they close.
I am also going to record a podcast episode on today’s chart to show how understanding the mechanics leads to powerfully understanding your clients & being able to guide them.