Understanding the Splenic Authority
Jan 02, 2022
Understanding the splenic authority.
I often receive messages from people saying they “have to wait & see what my spleen says” or “finally got the yes from my spleen”.
The online space seems to have lumped most of the authorities under the Sacral authority with just a different name on it so I felt it important to clear up some misunderstanding regarding the Splenic centre authority.
If you do not have a defined emotional system, truth is always available in the now, or not. The Splenic centre’s truth in the now is based on SURVIVAL, only. The Splenic Centre is the only awareness centre that can be an authority, as the Emotional centre is currently under it’s mutation to become an awareness centre in the lead up to 2027. This means the Splenic centre is the oldest awareness centre. Insects, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals all have splenic centres. It is the fight or flight response in animals. It is what causes a deer to go from peacefully grazing in a field to full flight, with often no reason other than something feels “off” suddenly.
Splenic awareness is a spontaneous awareness. Ra said it is the most difficult to describe, and maybe this is why those not fully trained in Human Design struggle to explain it even if they have it as their authority.
The Splenic centre is very yin energy and Ra said that it is like having no awareness at all. The question you are left with, more than any other authority, is “Can you trust not knowing, not understanding, not sensing? In the very deepest sense, can you trust not knowing?”. Splenic people do not make decisions; they just happen spontaneously. The only way to “decide” is that in the moment the possibility is there & the influence is there- it will arise out of nowhere. Splenic people don’t even know how to make decisions; they just happen.
Again, the deer that spontaneously shoots her head up in the field & bolts in the opposite direction isn’t thinking about it or making a decision about it. It just happens. That is the Splenic Authority. When last minute you take another route home for no known reason, and you realize you just missed an accident. The moment you just get a bad feeling about going out for lunch with your friends & they get food poisoning. It is spontaneous in the moment. Not something that can be planned and also not responding to life moment to moment.
So very often when a Splenic authority spontaneously gets that jolt to reach out about a program, THAT is already their Splenic authority. No known reason. No understanding. Just like a deer that chooses a particular path instead of another. No knowing why, they just do.
In the business space the mind likes to make decisions hidden as the Splenic centre. “I am going to hire her because she will help me get to 6 figures” is not the Splenic Centre. The oldest awareness centre concerned ONLY with survival doesn’t hold any reasoning towards hiring someone because of x, y or z. Once you have a reason you are in the mind. It’s just that a certain path is presented & you walk down it. No true decision being made. It just is. Walking your sacred geometry.
Something to keep in mind is that intuition isn’t colourful the way feelings are. Intuition doesn’t have a body to it. Splenically, the way something is sensed is that it shifts. You don’t get that emotional liquidity. Something is just not quite right.
Ra said: Half the time when I say “no”, I am not aware that I am feeling something. My intuition just says “no”. There is just something that’s just not quite right, and you don’t know what that’s about.
The now for you is not personal, it comes with no reason and because of this it doesn’t mean that in five minutes it won’t change it’s mind. The Spleen is not saying “no” to that person, just to the decision in that moment.
This is very different from the sacral authority because the sacral authority naturally goes MOMENT to MOMENT making yes/ no decisions. Your Splenic authority is a yes until it’s a no. The sacral authority makes decisions based on availability, Splenic authority is based on one thing & one thing only- is this healthy now or not?
Ra said: You can’t be intelligent about that.
And this is where it becomes difficult for Splenic authorities to fully surrender because they are moving without knowing why. There is no rhyme or reason at a logical mental level.
Sacral & Splenic beings do have one thing in common: they have to let go. There isn’t anything else to do. Emotional beings have to hold on, move away, and still be focused. They have to hold on to the focus in order to define their clarity through emotional distance. But for the Splenic authority there is only what will happen in the now, and you don’t know the criteria.
So remember: You aren’t responding moment to moment, you are a yes until it is a no.
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