Unleash Your Wild, Woman
Sep 28, 2020
This paradigm is not meant for you.
The current little entrepreneur box was never meant to contain your soul purpose and mission here on Earth.
While I am tempted to try and give you a fancy title of what I do, and I sat staring at my computer for 45 long bloody minutes yesterday trying to write a media bio for some podcasts I was interviewed on, let's just say I am an Astrologer, Rewilding Guide, divine feminine witch, asskickery coach for women building 6+ figure soul led businesses and all around rebel soul that can't box herself into one title or definition....
And I refuse to.
THIS is what I believe about success, about souls purpose, about business, about FLOW, about ALLLLLLL the things you damn well KNOW you came here to experience and were always going to HAVE, come hell or high water...
You, like me, are a rule-breaker, and you always have been.
You have always felt the wild calling and you are just slightly more than annoyed by being told to sit, stay and be a good girl.
They can keep their damn cookies because YOU were meant to jump on the furniture, bare your teeth, howl at the moon and dance with the stars buck ass naked.
YOU were meant to follow soul.
Maybe you took the good little entrepreneur bot courses and spent endless hours pulling your hair out, crying, writing and deleting a fancy expertise title or I help statement...
You wrote and deleted your Insta profile more times than you can count hoping no one noticed.
You really don't give a shit….
…even though all those soul crushing Insta engagement courses tell you that you should…
… about writing viral content but instead just desire for your art to be the message that was meant to come through.
You probably feel isolated. Like an outsider.
But, woman, that ugly duckling thing you have going on?
It is because you are a damn swan, not meant for the boxes or rules everyone else follows.
And I get it....
You didn't set out to create a new, different, world shaking paradigm it sorta just....
Somewhere in your journey, and since becoming an entrepreneur...
Trying to check all the damn boxes and fit in at the cool kids table...
You started to … notice things. What you were being fed started to turn your stomach.
You started to THINK about things (The horror!) and start to reject the paradigms that were being presented to you.
Started to reject that things HAD to be done a certain way. And realized you wanted to do them YOUR way...
And hell, every time you did you were more successful anyway. I remember working with popular coaches, trying to fit in with the cool popular kids and my impact and income PLUMMETED when I tried.
In fact, every time I am told I HAVE to speak about only one thing I realize more and more how much this current paradigm does not work for me.
And thank the stars it doesn’t because THIS paradigm is not going to hold up in the frequency that is coming in.
So you started to rebel against the rules everyone was forcing on you....
And shit, probably have made a name for yourself by now for being loud, opinionated, maybe a bit obnoxious.
But sister, everything you tuck away from the world as your little points of being "too much" are EXACTLY what you need to let shine even more!
The reality is this: You have never done things the way the collective has (Good on you sister, you were never meant to!)...
And you sure as shit aren't going to do business like anyone else.
You answer ONLY to soul.
Let me clear something up:
Yes, you are next level crazy, and it is tine you OWN that shit.
That pure authenticity and magical mysticism is EXACTLY what makes you turn-heads-drop-jaws-moth-to- a- flame magnetic.
I freakin’ well hope you are a little bit crazy!
I mean, let’s just be honest here –
We wouldn't get along any other way! My community are self declared “rebel soul” rule breakers who always felt like the black sheep but KNEW in their heart they were meant for an epic destiny.
I am here to help you unleash your particular brand of crazy while scaling a soul aligned business.
And this unapologetic, run with the wolves stark naked, howling at the moon, launching only soul aligned soul driven products is kinda necessary for YOU to achieve your souls purpose here.
You were BORN with a damn purpose.
You are here to live an EPIC AF destiny.
And for that to happen ALL OF YOU needs to be unleashed into the world.
And through the crazy and speaking only from soul not only CAN, but it is your birth right, to be wildly successful and wealthy!
Welcome to the land of the wild ones, woman.
We dream big.
We make shit happen.
We do NOT back down, even to our own ego.
And we have the most epic freakin’ time ever doing it.
While creating the most incredible memories, changing the world, just being US!