Unraveling the Conditioning in Business

Jun 02, 2022

I don’t want to be famous. 

To be in competition.


I don’t want to be on stages or traveling constantly.

I left corporate so that I could be with my family. 

So that I could work with my dogs cuddled up next to me.  See my horses when I desire.  Go for long forest runs just because.

I have no desire to kill myself living up to some ridiculous wounded standard where I get an email pissed because my dogs interrupt calls or because I had technology issues (yes, an email was sent about this last month). 

In fact, if you don’t like animals or can’t hold compassion for others this space truly isn’t for you. Not only for my own energetic health but that of my community. I always tell my community, when they are worried on how to juggle motherhood & businesshood to nurse on calls, allow your kids to interrupt calls, be HUMAN. 

I have no desire to feel like I HAVE to get done up for calls when I would rather be bare faced & in comfy clothes.

I am not here for the wounded maidens willing to die on that hill of illusions, perfectionism, & grasping. Outsourcing & unwilling to budge. 

I am unwilling to be of service to the wounded paradigms & bigger, better, faster… No matter the cost. 

It was truly making me more ill by the day. 

And this doesn’t mean you cannot be prosperous.  THIS is where the ego & conditioning plays games- That you must choose one or the other.

Yet PROSPERITY flows, it is not heavy, it is one with nature, as are you.

As Richard & Ra say: The environment will match you at the level of your destiny & purpose. 

And we can force it, of course, yet just like forcing nature there are ripple effects of damage that are sent through your own energetic field as well as the cosmos.  Every action has a reaction.

I truly believe we are all meant to be prosperous in our unique way.  Your truth & destiny cannot be executed from under a bridge in a box because you were a martyr.

I don’t worry about money. I am neutral about wealth. My mind cannot compute or fathom not being supported for the great work I have to do here- Yet I do not chase it. I do not resist it either. 

I am in a sacred ebb & flow… woven destiny with Her. 

We are simply stewards here, of Earth. Shaping the trajectories of change to enhance ecosystem resilience & human well- being 

I can’t & won't support less. 

Right Angle Cross of Service… To me, goes beyond serving those in my community but also serving Gaia & her inhabitants.

Being of SERVICE to something greater than myself.

Freedom you seek isn’t in the next milestone: It is in allowing your unique essence to flow which then allows prosperity to flow to you in ways the conditioned mind could not have fathomed.

To me, Human Design & Gene Keys are the foundation for embodied service & prosperity…

Yet not to be used as a box but as the river banks guiding the deconditioning process.

I am now very selective on who I work with within these systems as I am NOT for using them as fodder for the not self mind or as labels.  

I am not for using them as security of the wounded maiden.

Learn it.

To unlearn it.

To transcend it.

Use them as liberation.

I am not the same person I was even 6 months ago.  And I am grateful for not just these systems for lighting the way but for the bravery I constantly say yes to in stepping deeper & deeper into the unknown & true passenger consciousness.

1:1 spots available for a late June start, if you are ready to say yes to the mystery.



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