A common discussion with those that have already “awaken” and released the mentality of being the victim to outside forces is that many of the current paradigms not longer “fit”…
Being a “victim” to the stars…
Or hearing that they are here to be a Martyr or for a life of “struggle” in their Human Design bodygraph.
Using Martyr a an example this is: a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion. a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause; a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering.
Suffering is a choice. A life of struggle is a choice.
NO ONE is condemned to this by the Universe. You are a divine being here to live out an epic destiny.
Yes, we all come here with lessons to learn and divine assignments to grow through. We all encounter struggle but no one is doomed to a lifetime of it.
The whole hexagram is written for the “not self” and Ra admitted to starting out desiring to talk to peoples true self but deciding later to speak to the not self because the true self didn’t resonate.
Why? And this is MY own words, not his, because trying to speak high vibrational frequencies to people on a low vibrational frequency of guilt, shame, apathy or fear simply won’t work.
But what about the beings that are vibrating at love, joy, peace & enlightenment? The woman that is awakened but wishes to unleash deeper truths of her wild. Greater heights to her magic.

The lower vibrational masculine frequencies of these systems and paradigms won’t feel right. It will feel icky and your inner wisdom will just say NO.
Now, please realize I am not judging those vibrating at shame, guilt, fear or apathy. I am simply showing why there is a disconnect in the current “systems” available to explain the cosmos & our blueprint.
The current popular paradigms & systems are patriarchal in nature. They have jagged lines. Harsh words. Speak to your lowest vibrational frequency.
And therefore when you stop vibrating at that level it no longer resonates with you.
Even the undefined Solar Plexus resonates on a low frequency telling women they do not generate your own wave from that centre, however our INNER emotions are our power source as women. I can tell you right now, even a woman alone in the woods will feel the emotional waves brought on by the moon and tides and the impact it has on HER own hormones.
Telling a woman her emotions are not valid OR they are from outside of her is a form of Patriarchy. It is a form of suppressing the feminine.
And by doing this we are being trained away and conditioned AWAY from our deepest power within.
We are leaving one cage for another.
I have had my own struggle with the Feminine and there can be a lot of resistance for many women when they start diving into Her.
And then I realized none of it was something to sort out.
Our highest self already has the balance and path all sorted out.
It was just about releasing the conditioning and who I SHOULD be and sink further into soul. To stop buying into what the Patriarchal conditioning tells me…
What it should be and what the feminine is…
And rewilding back to my true nature.
This world we are ushering in is different, but we must be willing to rise and do things different than they have ever been done before.

Not being the victim of the stars but learning how to speak with them and dance in their light.

Not being the victim of the Moons cycles & therefore our emotions but being grateful for having such a strong connection to the cosmos and all that is.

Not being the victim of our “design” but realizing it was an outdated paradigm that no longer fits us.
I still love Human Design. It is a part of the feminine synthesis I am bringing forward. The design of the wild woman. The heart beat of our soul.
But it isn’t the way anymore. It is outdated, as so much has become this year.
When we bring with us the concepts that serve this higher frequency we are moving into and watch the colours dance and swirl with the Stars (Astrology), The Chinese I’Ching, Toltec Philosophy, rewilding & Earth Goddess
Something born of the wild soul and brought to the women that are ready to bring in this new paradigm.

You can’t unlock the secrets of your soul based on the old paradigm. You can’t unlock them off the mind or not self.
And we can’t unlock them speaking to the not self because the “not self”…
Doesn’t want to change. It will hold on to those concepts and use them to justify where we are.

We have to learn the language of our bodies, which includes the cycles of the moon and our emotions.
Hekate helps us unlock the secrets of our soul… The secrets of insight, foresight, intuition, manifestation, magic & mysticism.
More knowledge doesn’t unlock this.

We have to come back to Earth Goddess Spirituality…. Where we come together to celebrate our personal connection to the divine, the connection to the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), the sacred cycles of life.
Connecting with Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene or Kali.
But this depth and width of expansion does not come from more boxes. It comes from allowing the expansiveness and high vibration frequencies of the new paradigm to elevate you into higher levels of consciousness & embodiment.
This kicks off with a magical & potent secret Mystery School….
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