What are the Variables according to Human Design
Dec 27, 2021
What are the Variables according to Human Design?
Variable is an advanced area of the Human Design System which offers you an in-depth look at your cognitive design and uniqueness. It provides you with a clear, practical map for the transformation of your awareness and therefore how you experience your life & grow your business. It is a key to “enlightenment” & also key to the expansion you desire within your business.
”Variable addresses what Strategy and Authority cannot: correctness in the realms of mind and awareness. It guides us in aligning the mind to its natural intelligence, rather than attempting to align it with the Not-Self. This alignment makes possible a deeper harmony with our Design, greater peace of mind and, ultimately, connects us to our potential and our journey of transformation.”- Ra Uru Hu
Type organizes humans into four Aura frequencies that each share a particular approach to life. This “Strategy” enables us to live with less resistance and provides a base for our unique Authority.
Variable is a calculation that organizes us into one of the 16 Variable families, pointing out the nature of our awareness patterns and the evolution of our consciousness. Awareness is a physical practice of a mechanical process. Type is to Form what Variable is to Awareness.
Variable is to Awareness what Type is to Form; a tool for transformation. It is knowledge that can truly make a difference in not only your Human Design experiment, but also your life experience & business.
As a 9-Centered Being, you are a uniquely individual consciousness with the potential to be specifically differentiated according to your unique Human Design. As humans, we are designed to have a very particular way in which we experience & see the world, therefore a unique way that our intelligence expresses itself. I like to think of it as the way each of our unfair advantage shines when we are operating correctly. In Human Design, we call this unique intelligence potential Cognition.
I will note that I do not introduce variables into someones coaching or consulting unless they have at least 2 years experience with Human Design, as per Ra Uru Hu’s suggestion. I do this because it is very easy for this to simply become more fodder for the not self mind, and not the true transformational tool that it can be for life & business. In my Human Design Success Coaching Certification it is year 2 (included in price when signing up for year 1) that you learn the variables.
The development of our unique cognitive potential is unlocked through the catalyst of Strategy and Authority. But walking through the door and continuing down the path takes a strong commitment to your experiment, and Variable can truly help here. Following this information through to full understanding of how it applies to you can transform your awareness at a level that is beyond anything you can think of from the homogenized perception that most of the world experiences.
Personality External Variable- Personality Nodes (South & North Node)
This variable points us to the way we are designed to ‘SEE’ correctly - how we take in information in our environment. This way of seeing sets the whole foundation for how we deal with the world - in either a Focused or a Peripheral way.
When you are operating correctly in your environment, truly being able to see as yourself gives you the opportunity to offer your authentic outer authority to others.
The personality external variable shows us something incredibly powerful. It shows us that there is this magic that each and every one of us carry, that we have this unique way of looking at the world.
It also says that you can mark it down, you can draw it out on a map, a clear timeline of your path, your story AND signposts of when you are operating correctly or not based on transference with the colour of this variable. The moment, for example, the scales have tipped and a 2 colour is seeing more probability instead of possibility they are not seeing what they are meant to see. The moment a 6 colour tips the scales & is seeing more power than personal it is a sign they are operating incorrectly.
The moment that you're not like that you know that there's something wrong, because it’s the way you’re supposed to see. When we look at transference of colour within the personality external variable it gives us very clear signposts, just like our signature vs not self, on when our mind is operating correctly vs incorrectly. It is simply mechanics. Mechanics don’t lie. It isn’t something to be controlled or “fixed” it simply is & when you are operating correctly so does your perspective & you are able to see what you are meant to see.
Ra Uru Hu said: Human beings assume that they have to take control of everything. They do. And everything they put their hands on they destroy. It’s just the way it is. This is not what we’re about. We're not here to struggle on the material plane. We are not here to be sickly. We're not here for these things. The moment that you're operating correctly, physically correctly, that's not what you're about. Your mind might say to you, “oh, but I want more.” Sure your mind can say that. Your mind can say anything. But whether or not you're going to accept that and do something about it—if you follow your Strategy and Authority you’re going to get what’s correct for you. You may not like what that is mentally, the mind being not-self. “Oh, I wanted more. I thought I was going to be enlightened and sit on a mountain and glow. I thought this meant more. I thought it was going to mean more,” because you had no idea what it was in the first place.
Your design is NOT about control. It is not about doing this for that. It is not about aligning for a 6 figure launch. It is not about learning your profile so that you can 10X your business. That is the mind and the more you get caught up in the mind drama the further you get away from your design. It will always be an experiment, no copy paste, no this or that. No one size fits all.
Ra Uru Hu also said: This is not an exalted state. It isn’t. This is part of the problem. The moment that the mind builds it up into some kind of enormous, incredible exalted state, wow—it’s so nobody feels really bad that they don't get there. But it's normal. Being aware is normal. If your mind isn't involved in trying to control your life you actually become intelligent. It’s an interesting thing. You begin to see things. And you don't see things caught in the melodrama of what the not-self has brought you, and all the bullshit.
The mind is not your enemy. It is not about death of the ego. The mind is not there to be your enemy for life. It isn’t. It’s here to serve. It’s here to express you. This is our medium for expression to each other. It’s through these minds. And what we're here to express is that quality of uniqueness that differentiates us from everyone else.
Have you ever wondered what your outer authority is? We hear it all the time in Human Design. We hear that it is your mind…. But WHERE? WHAT is it meant to be an outer authority in?
Developing Your Outer Authority
Your MIND, your personality external (perspective) is your outer authority for others within your business. As you see what is correct for you in the correct environment, which nurtures your awareness, you become the outer authority in your zone of genius.
See, the important thing to take away with Human Design is that you can't take one piece out. You are not able to look at one piece & say "this is me". And this is yet another issue with the specific vs non specific crowd. Even IF there was any mechanical or logical backing for this information you simply cannot, in any way, take one piece of the Bodygraph or your unique imprint & say "this one piece is the piece of the puzzle".
There are no wealth codes in Human Design. No secret juju that is being sold to you. No specific vs non specific manifestation. It is all a load of crap, whether sold intentionally or not, to try & provide you a quick fix which will only dig you deeper into the not self.
This is why learning Human Design to be a coach or analyst is such an in depth process. The question becomes "how is this PIECE interwoven with the whole?".
Can you now see how specific vs non non specific manifestation actually HARMS someone’s experiment & embodiment? Not only is it incorrect but it completely bypasses your OUTER AUTHORITY…
And without your outer authority how do you stand out as the go to expert? How do you differentiate yourself from others?
Ra said: There are a lot of black magicians wearing white hats….
I will leave that for you to decipher. It was passed on to me by one of my mentors at the official school when I sent an email a year ago saying I wasn’t interested in continuing my education because there is so much BAD information out there I didn’t even want to be involved in Human Design anymore.
She said: A lot of people will start with that because it is popular or from an influencer they know… And they will know something is wrong. That’s when most people find the correct information. After bad experiences. Keep going. Ra said that there are a lot of black magicians wearing white hats. He was aware of this.
And I obviously did keep going AND was she ever right. The majority of people find me after really shitty experiences with Human Design with other Human Design “experts”.
I have spent 3+ years now studying at the official schools. At any one point I am studying at BOTH BG5 (Ra’s business side of Human Design) AND IHDS so that I can bring the highest level of information & integrity to my teachings….
Because Human Design isn’t a business tool…
It is a spiritual awakening tool…
BG5 is the business side.
So I bring both because I believe they are intertwined in how they support high achievers in rediscovering who they are & creating a life of purpose & prosperity without the burnout.
If you are ready to cut the cords to the pop culture Human Design BS that is simply leading you down a path of disembodiment & quick fixes, further detached from what you KNOW in your heart of hearts is meant for you in this life…
If you are ready to.....
Discover your true purpose...
Build a business that impacts the world....
And generates 5 figure + months....
Without the hamster wheel?
It is time to redefine your position in the world- not just the coaching industry- & have the audacity to trigger unstoppable success.
This is for the ICONS in the making.
The revolutionaries with a fire in their soul to create quantum disruption.
The ONLY Human Design & Gene Keys mastermind that combines business strategy to skyrocket sales AND fulfillment.
I welcome you into the doors of ICONIC.
To learn more visit: www.ashleybrianaeve.com
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