What Are you Waiting for in Human Design?
Jul 26, 2022
What are you waiting for in Human Design? You are making the not self wait. You are making the monkey mind wait so that you can RECEIVE what is truly meant for you.
So that you can be MOVED, a muse, in the way you are meant to be moved.
Notice when you go into mind consumption & when you are in the body receiving.
Notice when you go into the agendas of the mind & when you are being moved by something so much bigger than you.
Allow yourself to go to the EDGE of your own depth, the brink of wordless, so that you can awaken to everything you came here to do.
This won’t come from the mind.
It won’t come from an agenda on what you THINK you need to learn or know or how things “should” be.
If you are constantly trying to find life through the agenda of your open centres you will get stuck in a not self nightmare.
You will try to find life through proving yourself (undefined ego); through finding the right direction (undefined G); through trying to be certain (undefined ajna); through working hard enough (undefined sacral); through trying to relieve the pressure (undefined root), etc. And those not self motivations become a tangled web as the not self state of various centres, gates, & channels compound in the mind.
You will just find more not self problems, confusion, & drama.
This is not what you are here for. I KNOW this is not what you are a stand for.
The only thing that diminishes the power of the mind is when you stop listening through the mind & begin RECEIVING through your body. When you drop agendas & wait to receive that which you are a vessel for.
We need more voices in the room who are a stand for something other than the noise of the not self. We need more voices in the room who take a powerful STAND for what they believe in.
More women to arrive at the seat of their power, the peak of their essence.
And none of this will be done through figuring it out with the mind.
The Sacral Yes, a DEEP DIVE into the depths of your soul, so much deeper, wider, & higher than a “Human Design program”, begins Monday (tomorrow). This isn’t a program. It is a movement. It is a reckoning for your not self mind. It is a room where your truth is received & poured through you.
It is where you arrive to you.
Enrolment closes at midnight Monday.
I invite you to the room where legacies are born.