What is the secret to skyrocketing impact & income?

Dec 02, 2021

What is the secret to skyrocketing impact & income?

Pure Acceptance 

Make sure to read this one to the end & save to return to later! 

The truth is:

Contrary to what your conditioned mind believes it doesn’t take a process to move from the Shadow (not self) to the Siddhi (Your HIGHEST frequency potential… Including with prosperity).  

It is simply a matter of pure acceptance.

In working with my high level clients the key they are “missing” to access higher levels of impact & income are never more hard work or hustle, more self improvement, “increasing frequency” or “aligning to their design”…. 

What they do, which unlocks their unique genius, accelerates impact, skyrockets sales & creates greater fulfillment in their work?

Surrender into pure acceptance.

It is from THIS place that the action they take (Content creation, launches, ads, email sequences, etc) have the most POTENT impact.

The true miracle in unleashing everything you are here to experience is realizing that all three “levels” in your Hologenetic Profile (Gene Keys) – the Shadow, the Gift, the Siddhi- are in reality one.  

From the shadow you cannot see the Gift or the Siddhi.  Your perception is closed & you are working AGAINST nature.

From the Gift you can see the Shadow (in fact you are using it’s creative energy) but you cannot see the Siddhi. 

Only from the Siddhi can you see everything, receive everything & experience everything. 

It is why my high level clients, when they access this level of frequency, are shocked that the LESS they do the more things flow to them at accelerated speeds….

The momentum builds….

It overflows….

The vision expands…

Clients are finding them in the most unexpected ways…

Prosperity flows in seemingly wilder than their dreams ways…. 

And that which they have been seeking,

They realize all along,

Was always there.

A breath away.

They didn’t have to DO anything different but surrender to true acceptance. 

To send the not self conditioned mind even further into a revelation that will change your entire life & business:

There is actually NO difference whatsoever between the actual experience of the shadow & the experience of the Siddhi.  The only difference is that you do not resist the state in which you find yourself.

You work IN the flow of nature…

And just as the river doesn’t resist the state she is in…

And the butterfly doesn’t resist the state she is in….

You surrender TO the state & the truth that you are meant to live with totality.

You build your business WITH the flow of energy, rather than upstream wondering why clients trickle in, no matter what you do, like the salmon that swim up stream once a year. 

To access this you must surrender the mind.

And while it is as “easy” as it sounds…

It is a process…

That I have refined & now masterfully guide my clients through….

And I will be walking everyone in the Human Design Coaching Academy through this in 2022 so that THEY can also create this level of expansion in their clients.


If you have been wondering how to incorporate Human Design & Gene Keys (YESSS Gene Keys!) into your coaching practice to create Quantum leaps in your business, ACCELERATE results for both you & your clients, amplify true SOUL LEVEL fulfillment & live your HIGHEST purpose…

I welcome you into the Quantum Success Accelerator Bundle! 

In this bundle you receive….

*The Human Design Coaching Academy- The GOLD STANDARD for Human Design Coaching led by Ashley Briana Eve, a world leading Human Design expert, trained by the official schools, & student of Richard Rudd in Gene Keys

*Business by (Human) Design

With a $500 savings right off the top….

You also receive….

*The NOT EVEN YET RELEASED high level, high touch 6 month 2022 Business by Human Design Wealth Catalyst Mastermind (value of $1,250 per month)


*For the first 10 people a 2 hour Human Design & Gene Keys Business Consultation 1:1 call (Value of $1, 111)…. 3 already gone before I even spoke publicly about it!

At no additional cost….

Over $9, 000 in savings!


If your inner authority is calling you…

Reach out in DM’s.

Payment plans available up to 12 months.

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