Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

What It Takes To Succeed

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I am NOT the coach for you if you are looking for someone to chase you down to follow through on action steps 🙅‍♀️

What I have witnessed from working with thousands of people is a very clear line on who succeeds & who doesn’t (or who creates rapid success & who struggles for years):

💸 Successful people make decisions & make decisions fast THEN IMPLEMENT IT IMMEDIATELY.  They aren’t afraid to fail & likely fail more times than anyone else.

❌People who struggle (First, say consistently that they struggle 🥴) but they also need someone to chase them down & convince them to do things, often because they are too busy up in their head thinking about a whole lot of shit that doesn’t matter.

My dreamiest clients, and those that work best with me, have BIG DREAMS & take massive fucking action on them.  I really don’t care if they are new to business or 50k a month deep.  The point is they are a dog with a bone with their dreams & are ready to get out there & make them happen without the excuses (which feel like reasons in our head) on why not now.

Funny story, I was watching the Reacher last night (Great show) & the main female character said she didn’t get hired by the FBI because she has “a low tolerance for bullshit”.  That’s me.  And for those that desire to be challenged & brought to their edges so that they can manifest a life wilder than their dreams…

We work well together because I WILL call you out on your stories, beliefs, & more that don’t serve.

But what I won’t do is chase you down or “check in”.  I expect you to be self led & we come together for refinement, clarity, & amplifying. 

Side note: I work with A LOT of moms & very busy high performers.  There is ALWAYS a way to make shit happen even in a tight schedule.  The schedule is one of the first things we look at.  “I don’t have time” = “It isn’t a priority”.  There is nothing wrong with something not being a priority, we simply need to be honest with ourselves.

The truth is, if your dream is scaling to multiple 6 figures + (or shit, even 6 figures)  showing up in your business, caring about creating value for people, & doing the damn thing is the LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES.  It is coded in & an “of  course”.  And yes, copy matters, knowing how to story tell matters, all the strategy pieces matter, and that’s what I love helping with, but you can’t refine nothing.

Ready to amplify results in 2023?  I have 1 spot for the right client 1:1 as well as space in my mastermind.

Where would you be in 1 year if you took action as the 7 figure CEO now?





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