Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Why Your Content Isn't Converting

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Ra Uru Hu said: “You either adapt or die on the material plane”.  And it’s true.  Look at the industries that were once at the forefront of innovation who faded away…


Kodak cameras


I would even argue Netflix is feeling the impact of having innovated then stopped.

In fact, did you know (gather around for story time!):  A Kodak engineer invented digital cameras in 1975 yet Kodak rejected the idea!!!!!  After having 80% of the market shares in the US & 50% globally they filed bankruptcy in 2012.

Building a brand & a legacy is more than downloading a program, posting a graphic, & hoping people buy.

True leaders who stay ahead of the game & continue to grow in impact & income are AHEAD of the game.  They are innovating before the rest.  They are trailblazing.  They are hungry for more, hungry for creating something out of nothing, & hungry to solve peoples problems.

I hate to say it, but you will not be able to sustain long term growth without it!

THIS & more is what we dug into on the ICONIC mastermind workshop today, which was an EPIC way for everyone to refine their offers & amplify impact (and income!) in launches!

Back to content. Why isn’t your content converting?

You are not listening to your audience & meeting them where they are at.  Now, this doesn’t mean regurgitate something back to them, it means listening & LEADING.  An ebb & flow between the two.  Listening & INNOVATING.

Rather than deciding what people should want & attempting to force feed them a solution.

Henry Rod said: “If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse”.  He heard what people wanted: To go faster between point A & point B.  He then innovated a car for that.

So shifts to make today:

  1. Pay attention to your community & what they say, what they engage with, words they use, etc.
  2. See their problem, innovate a solution.
  3. Notice the gap in your business/ audience.  If the “right” people aren’t in front of you throwing more content & programs at them won’t do shit.

And most importantly, like I always say:

Think like a CEO!

I hope this was helpful in shifting your perspective on content in your soul aligned business!



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