Wise Words from a Reflector on Life & Business
Jul 28, 2022
Build a life, not just a business.
One of the hardest lessons I learned in my journey is what Sandra is reflecting on here. My business, as soon as I decided to go all in, BLEW UP. I drew my line in the sand, declared my genius, & showed up how I needed to be seen to be the go to expert in Human Design. I had the accolades, the income, more wealth than I knew what to do with, & the most soul aligned clients.
Yet, no matter how much success I reached I wasn’t actually fulfilled. I was always seeking. Searching. Like Sandra refers to: Looking in the fridge for something that wasn’t there. I was allowing my business to be a way to be validated.
My tips if you find yourself on the hamster wheel or using your business as a source of validation (Hitting the next milestone, the likes, etc etc):
1️⃣Your business is not your baby. It is not an extension of you. Allow it to be a business. When you are building a personal brand, and YOU are the niche, it can feel like an extension of you however learning the discernment & allowing your business to be a business is critical. Stop looking in the fridge for what was never there in the first place.
2️⃣Start with the long term vision & work backwards. Many people, in a chase to the top or to hit the next milestone, are giving up long term freedom, fulfillment, happiness, & true LIVING for short term hits to keep up, prove themselves, be enough, etc. If you choose daily tactics & short term thinking you WILL build yourself a hamster wheel & you will continually hit brick walls.
3️⃣ Be willing to see things differently. I spent a lot of time, energy, & money in trial & error, which is why I am so passionate about the fusion of energy & strategy for clients. My passion is helping you to avoid the trial & error, and traps, that I spent years going through. YOU must, however, be willing to see things differently & get out of your not self mind. If there was one tip I could give baby coach Ashley is “EMBRACE STRATEGY & plan long term… Build a fucking business”. It’s funny because I built a multiple 6 figure business as the go to expert for coaching athletes, a brick & mortar business, and it was always treated like a business. There wasn’t even access to me between sessions, except for the occasional email ( I know THE HORRORRRRRR). It wasn’t until I entered the spiritual space that I would have even thought of anything different.
4️⃣Happiness doesn’t exist in the future milestones. It doesn’t exist in the accolades. If you attach your worth or value to external milestones you will forever be seeking. Happiness, abundance, prosperity, & freedom exists in the now. If you are not seeing this where you are now, you won’t see it with more money & accolades. It will become a bottomless pit of “No, ok I hit $50, 000 months but really once I hit $100, 000 months I will ACTUALLY be happy. My bad for thinking it was $50, 000 months”.
The way to begin navigating this? Surrender to strategy & authority. Not the fake one where you still make decisions from your mind to fit the agenda of the not self. Enter into the true experiment. Cultivate present self awareness. Create spaciousness in your mind. And see the true beauty all around you.
Human Design isn’t a quick fix. It is a deconditioning process, an unlearning process, & a relearning what it means to listen to your body over your mind.