YOU Are the Brand

Sep 06, 2022

Your brand is where your inner essence meets the outer world.

Your brand is YOU.

And YOU, the movement you are creating, is what people are saying yes to.  Not the product.  People can buy the product elsewhere.

They want YOU.  

To truly prosper – that is to be recognised, appreciated and received fully by others – depends upon how honestly and clearly you communicate with others. 

In this sense, your ‘branding’ isn’t about colours, or what you offer, but about refining the style of your communication so that it suits your inner being, rather than trying to fit into a predefined strategic pattern or expectation. 

This can be a great discovery – it is the ability to be natural and unselfconscious with others.

Now, for some tough truths…

Want to get honest about it with me for a minute? 

â‹™ I do not believe for a second that you do not know.  Nothing grates my gears more than “I don’t know”, and in fact it isn’t even allowed in my 1:1 & masterminds! Because, even if you truly do not know how to do something you KNOW what to do, which may be to hire a mentor to help, or hire an ads person to create & run the ads.  Lying to yourself does you no favours as it hides the real reason you aren’t doing the thing.  Be honest with yourself on the real reason & you can begin making progress.

â‹™ It has nothing to do with what you DO, so stop spending time thinking about things that don’t matter.  Do what is true for you RIGHT NOW, in this moment.  Allow the rest to unfold.  You are not meant to know the whole picture, therefore stop trying to figure it out.

â‹™ Doing to GET is what is holding back your creativity, and once you stop the doing to get & begin creating from soul, from your truth, the irony is that prosperity flows from there!  Flow comes from being who you are meant to BE, not from things being easy AF.

â‹™ Be radically honest with where you are fighting yourself right now & where you actually want to be, who you actually want to be, what you actually want to do… Even if the mind drags on about how it can’t be that easy & obvious.

Those people that are magnetic, lighthouses, magic on legs, even if you don’t agree with them or what they do…

They are magnetic because they are simply speaking their truth & doing it the way they want to.  Love them or hate them, it’s who they are & it parts the seas so their people can find them.

So, the question also becomes, where are you showing up as something you don’t even want to be, that maybe annoys you, bores you, or just all around doesn’t inspire you (Manifestors!).

And who do you want to be…



Your truth in this moment, now?

In IGNITED you have the ability to add Executive Magick in for only $33 USD…. We go into YOU being the brand, YOU being the niche!  This masterclass, based on the “Brand” Gene Keys, will shake up your world.

And, in IGNITED we will work on getting over the stuckness & going from inspiration, response, invitation, emotional event into creation & selling within 2 weeks!  While I am here for the long term vision & working backwards this is my proven formula for being of high service, getting a cash injection in the business, & getting over the stuckness into creating!

Only $144 until September 9th for 5 days of training plus tons of bonuses & extras each day to support you for life!

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