The Radical Happiness Movement


Your business, your life, your unique wiring—it’s all connected. Dive into bold ideas, actionable strategies, and grounded guidance to help you align with your next chapter and thrive.

You Being YOU is the Magic Sauce

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The answer was always YOU being more of YOU.

Drawing your line in the sand & being your next level MF you NOW.  It really is simple AND, unleashing all of you, the fullness of you, the take it or leave it allness of you, is also the one thing holding you back from money flow.

And sure, you could heal more of your inner child, learn more about your Human Design, memorize more about your Gene Keys, have 5 more people look into your Akashic records, do more somatic experiencing….

I am a fan of ALL of that.  I am not trashing any of it (Hell, I have spent a considerable amount of my life learning from the official Human Design schools, Gene Keys, & gaining somatic experiencing certifications)...


When are you just going to decide?  When do you decide to step off the hell loop of never ending fixing & healing and just BE the person you know you are meant to be?  Accept that you were born for it all along & nothing can take it from you, not even the conditioning.

When do you just claim your space, speak your truth, stand up tall, & wave the damn white flag?

Because THAT….

THAT matters more than all the information you can stuff into your beautiful head.

I remember when I was a counsellor I always got slack for being “too tough”.  I worked with children, youth, & adults within the mental health field.  One of my jobs was at a group home as a counsellor.

I would come in when everything else failed.  Medication, years of therapy, and sometimes even jail.

And guess what….

My success rate of actually seeing adults return to work or youth be able to phase out of group homes was unmatched.

Not because I bent to the “requirements” of having better kid gloves & being more sensitive.  I WAS sensitive & cared a whole hell of a lot….

But the difference was I cared enough to tell it like it was & help them change their reality NOW…

Not one day…

I didn’t hold space for the excuses, the reasons why they were justified in messing up their life, & not making something of themselves.

I told it like it is with a whole lot of alignment & asskickery.  Not exactly the “right way” in the social work field, but it interrupted the patterns, helped them shift their identity, see the bigger picture…


Yep, make something of themselves.

Look, the truth is you are never half in and half out.  It’s a nice thought & helps the conditioned mind feel better.  But either you are doing the damn thing, fully expressed in your essence & truth, or you are not.

So today, draw your line in the sand & decide who you get to be and how things get to go for you.  Guard the gates of your mind & watch your mouth as if your reality depends on it… Because it does.

And CHOOSE to fight for your dreams with the same gusto you are fighting for your drama with.



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