The amount of people hiding their wild…
It is ingrained in our psyche so even when we THINK we are “Free” and this badass boss babe we are still complying with the rules of engagement…
The rules of being a good girl that is accepted.
Allow this to resonate in your bones:
Yes, to be the fullness of you it may bring exile from others you are currently around. But to comply with the rules of the 3D world, and those entangled in it despite their messaging and videos claiming to be enlightened, causes you to be exiled from YOURSELF and your higher self. YOU, and only you are your authority. YOU only need to calibrate to your higher self, no other being on this planet.
Do not be fooled by the program.
And this is why so many women struggle with accessing their gifts.
The amount of messages I received yesterday from women saying they see dragons, fairies… Communicate with star beings but wouldn’t DARE speak to anyone about it was horrifying.
You are literally pushing your brightest gifts into the shadows. Your EGO, based on conditioning, has deemed those aspects undesirable and therefore pushed them down. Chained them up. Locked them away. Hidden. Waiting to be discovered…
Or not. Most will go with not.
Now, I am not saying there isn’t structure and strategy in business that helps scale successful businesses. I use it….
The difference is following what the world tells you blindly, or squashing down what you truly desire to do, to fit in…
To not get a sideways look from your coach when you talk about wanting to launch an offer about communicating with dragons.
Vs using soul aligned feels damn good and juicy, allowing the ebb & flow of your wild nature, strategy & structure.
If you are constantly feeling like an imposter. If you are a course junkie, learning from all the fucking coaches and constantly trying to achieve more and more….
If you feel like you need to calibrate to someone else.
What you have been searching for was always within…. What you have REALLY been searching for is the key to unlock what is within…
It is waiting to be unlocked….
And you always held the key.
Or maybe this doesn’t resonate and you desire to go on like a little entrepreneur bot, perfectly programmed by other entrepreneur bots for the perfect sequence of events to dominate the 3D world….
Like it is some weird chess game against the Universe or eachother. Linear. Masculine. Forced. Logical.
This shit is all coming to the surface. What is inauthentic simply won’t survive in the new reality.
One reality I recently opted out of was that I needed an I help statement or clear bio so people knew how I could help them…
The problem is my bio changes literally daily. It does! Check it out daily… It is never the same!
Judge me for it, I don’t give a shit.
I will NEVER apologize for my wild.
As wild women we have 32 faces of the femme within. We have Ancient Archetypes within that are awakening, if we allow them.
Based on where I am in my cycle and what face is more present…
The astrologer….
The Cosmic Guide & Channel for the Cosmic Alignment System…
The Priestess of Lilith…
The Dragon Oracle…
The nurturer…
The sorceress…
The more linear logical masculine energy of the Warrior…
My posts will have a different feel, my content will be slightly different and how I would define who I am and what I do would be different.
I make no apologies for my wild.
If this bugs you and your 3D reality requires someone that firmly says "I am a Human Design Coach" or "I am a Manifestation Coach" this place isn't for you.
But if you are ready to be activated into YOUR souls purpose, and experience ALL SIDES of your wild nature....
Without the shame, guilt or apologies....
Then this place is for you.
So here is to the wild ones.
The world is yours, sister.