Your Mind Never Creates Aligned Action
Jul 13, 2022
You will never get to aligned action from the mind. Only from your inner authority…
Only from the depths of your truth, the well of your soul.
You will never get to aligned action from the mind….
Forcing yourself into rooms you FEEL are right for you rather than allowing rooms to receive your power & purest essence.
You will never get to aligned action from the mind…
Only from allowing yourself to be MOVED,
For it to pour out of you & into those around you.
Huge visions require the equal movement…
For every action there is an equal reaction…
Yet that movement must come through you, rather than from you.
From you, and create static.
Through you & create waves.
It is time to not be pushed around by the fears in your mind,
But be led by the dreams in your heart.
Can you feel it? It’s go time, baby!
Certainty isn’t required, movement is.
Allow your purpose to take on a life of its own, separate from what you think it should be or do. Allow it to move you, move your community, & move the world.