The Dragon Within Mini Course

A 6 week mini audio course to activate your Galactic DNA & bring you into deeper connection with your Cosmic lineage.

Enrollment Closes In:









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What if the knowing you have deep inside became... real?

What if you could understand the connection to dragons that you felt your entire life?

And activate your dragon light body.

What if you were guided through a map back to your original blueprint, a remembrance of why you came here & the lineage you hold?

What if you had your original guides to help guide you back to what path is right for you?

And what if you knew how to listen so that you were no longer guessing but trusting in divine guidance?


Receive a 6 module course  (45 minutes- 1 hour approx) with an accompanying workbook.

Each training will include teachings, transmissions, guided meditations, and Shamanic Journeys to activate your dragon light body & connect you clearly to your Team of Guides, particularly Dragon guides.

There will be practices, resources, tools, and contemplations to use for your continued journeying and continued deepening into your light body & original Cosmic Body Blueprint.

There is a self paced option as well as an option which includes a "mini mind" on Voxer.

If you are ready to go deeper into the magic & mysteries of the cosmos I invite you into Mother of Dragons ✨🐉

Join Us Today ✨🌈

Do you ever wonder if what you are meant for is hidden in the invisible realms? Like the fairytales you were told as a child are calling you back? 


If you have been called to the dragons, seen the dragons in clouds, drawn them when you let your pencil guide you...


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Mother of Dragons, the Mini Course

In this 6 week mini course go on a journey wilder than your dreams to reconnect to your Galactic Dragon lineage. A journey through the stars, lifetimes, & layers of reality itself.


6 audio trainings

Receive a weekly audio training with accompanying practices, resources, & tools to support your deeper connection to your lineage & the dragons.

PDF's to go deeper

My workbooks & PDF's have become legendary, and here you will access 6 new workbooks to support your journey.

Option for a mini mind in Voxer

There is an option to do this self paced *or* to join us in Voxer for a mini mind with support from myself.  I will be in Voxer Monday- Wed weekly for the 6 weeks of the course answering questions, while you can receive support from the group 7 days a week!

Join us today ✨🌈

Course Content Preview

MODULE 1 + 2

Activate Your Dragon Light Body

In modules 1 + 2 allow yourself to be guided into the mystical realms of the dragon.  Dive into mythology, the connection to the feminine, signs + symbolism, astrology, & more.

Join me for a Shamanic Journey & light body activation.  For many the dragon has been sleeping at the base of the spine, this hibernation may be causing back pain, sleep issues, jaw pain, & headaches.  Let her awaken & spread her wings.

All trainings in this mini course are audio trainings to help you go deeper into your body without attempting to entertain more senses.  Allow your senses to be turned inwards.  Limit distractions.


Meet your Cosmic Team

In module 3 meet your Cosmic Team, including the dragons here to support you. We are going into the Fairy Realms, Unicorn Realms, & more.  Think "Narnia" but your real life & the unique guides here to support you.

This isn't for the mind.  You will have to suspend the minds control of "how", "why", and maybe even the inkling that it "can't actually be real".

It is.

Access the signs they bring you, sacred geometry, & some practical tools to communicate with them.


Meet Your Guardians

Your guardians & your guides may be entirely different.  In this module we will play with Astrology & Gene Keys to pull in your Guardians. In Astrology I will walk you through placements in your natal chart which show your Galactic Lineage & Guardians of those lineages. 

It is recommended, however not required, to have the Gene Keys Dream Arc course to support you here (Learn More).  This course will support you if you require a bit more "practical" tools to go deeper.


Hidden Stories & Fairytales of the Feminine

Have you ever wondered where fairytales have come from?  The feminine mysteries & stories were burned, destroyed, & buried for eons.  In this module play with some fairytales as a remembrance of your sacred lineage. 

We dive into Mermaids, Mary Magdalene, & more as we explore the roots of your lineage within the feminine mysteries.


The Weaver: Higher Purpose & Channeling

Here we weave it all together.  How do you bring this into purpose & form?  I will guide you through the process of anchoring in this experience & bringing it into your daily life, whether in business or simply in how you flow with the everything that is.

Join us today ✨🌈

What Others
Have Experienced


 Let me illuminate for you this one art form that I believe only Ashley can do.

Only Ashley can tell you something but somehow you feel like she didn't tell you to do anything at all.

Somehow you feel like it was completely your idea (even though she just said it) because it WAS your idea.  She simply reflected it back so that you could hear yourself.

And that's why you will implement.

Somehow Ashley has this unique art form of creating an environment and giving you the tools such that you can now go DO what you need to do.

I have honestly never seen anyone do this, and I don't think I'm going to".

Lopa of Awaken Purandhri

"This pure Generator just gets me going! Ashley knows how to light my fire.  I have never been so fulfilled, so happy, so in my element, so creative, so lit up. I can't remember the last time I made this much money. The formula is not what they say it is. You have your own unique formula & no one has brought this out more in me than Ashley.  You need to get inside her programs.  Trust me!

She is one of the only people that I will continue to work with.  She finds out about YOU & what YOU want & how YOU operate. She doesn't fit you into a box, she doesn't tell you what to do based on some ridiculous formula.  She guides you back to you.  Never have I felt more free, never have I felt more alive never have I felt so fulfilled AND on mission with my purpose.

A lot of people struggle with this for so long, I did as well. Ashley is your girl for all things business.

My life has transformed because of Ashley. I  get moved to tears when I think about her because she cares about me & there are so many people in this journey who didn't.  They just saw me as a dollar sign & cared about my money, they just told me to do things that weren't right for me- Not Ashley.  

Ashley has a heart of gold & I am just so honoured to be in her world."

Ashley Vincent, Ashley's Light Shop

Start Your
New Life.



If you are anything like me you got to your midlife split (late 30's- early 40's) & started questioning everything.

The masks to fit in & seem "normal" got heavy.

The feeling of "I must be going crazy" for the things you can see & experience got exhausting.

And, if you are being honest with yourself going through the paces just ain't cutting it anymore.

The magic & mysteries of the unseen realms have been calling you for far too long.

Too long to continue ignoring.

This mini course is intentionally set as audio only to take your senses out of the teachings so that you can go deeper into your own *experience* of the teachings.

Let's be honest, you don't need to see me talk.  Our constant need to have as many senses as possible attuned to the *external* world is why we aren't attuned to our *internal* world. 

I would recommend listening in a dark room with candles.

I will include a playlist with week 1 to play in the background, if you wish.

If you are ready, I invite you to come play with the dragons with me.

It will be an experience you won't forget!

Join us today ✨🌈

We Offer Different Experiences


Self Paced

$77 USD

Paid In Full

  • 6 audio modules (pre-recorded & available immediately)
  • Supportive PDF's, contemplations, & soul "work" to complete.
Join us today ✨🌈

Private Voxer Support


Paid In Full

  • Everything in the self paced option.
  • Private Voxer support for 6 weeks for only $444!
  • Support from Ashley in Voxer Monday- Friday for support in deepening your journey.  Voxer begins the next MONDAY after purchase.
Join us today ✨🌈

Hi! I'm Ashley.


Ashley Briana Eve is an international astrologer, spiritual teacher, empowerment coach, and the internet’s favourite Pop Culture Psychic on YouTube.

By blending ancient wisdom with modern mysticism and no-nonsense practicality, Ashley has guided thousands to make empowered choices that align them with their highest potential.

Known for her raw, relatable approach, Ashley teaches spiritual and esoteric wisdom that’s grounded in the real world. Her unique style is rooted in ancient mystery school traditions, and she channels from a quantum and cosmic perspective that’s as deep as it is direct.

Ashley is the creator of two groundbreaking healing & activation modalities—the Galactic DNA Activation and the Dragon Lightbody Activation. Her astrology readings aren’t just insights; they’re a crystal-clear map to the intricate blueprint of your soul that have left her with the title of creating "Real Life Hogwarts".

As a champion of the Divine Feminine and a warrior for the soul, Ashley is on a mission to help you live a more conscious life by understanding yourself on a deeper level. She’s committed to bringing the ancient knowledge of astrology into our collective awareness, raising the vibration of Earth one soul at a time.

Ashley has dedicated her life to being “in service to the soul" (Right Angle Cross of Service), delivering inspired astrology readings like never before, using Galactic portals, Starseed markings, asteroids, & Goddess points to help you activate dormant DNA & step into your higher purpose.  All of this is done with the Dragons as her guides.

Her soul’s purpose? To assist in the ascension process and guide you toward becoming a more conscious, vibrant version of yourself. One reading with Ashley will shift your perspective and offer profound insights into the journey of your soul, helping you step into your power and make the world a more beautiful place.


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"Woman is by nature a Shaman", Chukchee proverb. When you look back through the feminine history much of our stories & past have been destroyed or burned. In this space I look to help awaken the knowing that has lived in your bones for lifetimes.




 Soften Your Mind, Open Your Heart

This isn't a course for the mind or endless trying to figure it out.  It simply won't work.  I ask for full surrender here, a playful attitude, & "what if" the craziest ideas & experiences... are true? You may just have to lose your mind to find your heart.

Commit to the Work

With this mini course comes supportive PDF's, journaling, exercises, & discovery.  I also outline, in week 1, a morning practice to help you deepen your work here. I ask to immerse yourself in this world for 6 weeks.  Give yourself over to the invisible realms & the potentiality when you break the habit of being you.

Commit to your Calling

Women across time have been burned, hanged, & killed for their gifts.  We carry deep trauma around standing in our power & standing out.  In this space we awaken the dragon within.  What you do with that rests at your feet.  Commit to your path.  Commit to your calling.  It's been waiting.

Join us today ✨🌈

Enrollment Closes In:









Frequently Asked Questions


Awaken the dragon within.


Not the metaphorical dragon.  The true dragon.  They aren't fairytales or stories for kids.  Our lineage & stories were reduced to such to remove us from our power.

  • Awaken the dragon sleeping at the base of your spine.
  • Connect with your dragon lineage.
  • Connect with your guides & guardians.
  • Remember the stories & fairytales of the feminine, stories long held from us behind veils.
  • Activate your higher purpose.

If you are being called to the invisible realms, now is your time.

Join us today ✨🌈

What if the inexplicable experiences were signs from the invisible realms?

You know you are meant for more than just getting by or fitting in.  Now is your time to explore that niggle.

We Offer Different Experiences


Self Paced


Paid In Full

  • 6 audio modules (pre-recorded & available immediately)
  • Supportive PDF's, contemplations, & soul "work" to complete.
  • Supportive PDF's, contemplations, & soul "work" to complete.
  • This is the self paced option.
Join us today ✨🌈

Private Voxer Support


Paid in Full

  • Everything in the self paced option.
  • Private Voxer support for 6 weeks for only $444!
  • Support from Ashley in Voxer Monday- Friday for support in deepening your journey.  Voxer begins the next MONDAY after purchase.
Join us today ✨🌈