Astroloy with Ashley Blog
Your next evolution in business is walking through the fire of “is this an energy gap or a marketing gap in my business”.
Embodied business, leadership, & wealth involves first the act of noticing what we want to bring forth through our work & life…
The truth is, no strategy will fix a gap here.
It is about not losing touch with what wants to be expressed *through* you…
What you long for…
What you ache for…
That itself is a masterpiece.
What you...
“What is the true essence of this beginning?”
Richard Rudd: We have created a great cult based on the individual, even though the individual is itself an illusion.
In business & life often beginnings contain the subtle traces of fear. Maybe launching a new program that is changed from your true message out of fear of what people will say if you speak the fullest expression of your truth. Maybe staying in a direction in business out of fear of what happens if you...
We have lost the magic in life….
It was interesting working in the mental health field. Psychiatrists were reluctant to diagnose youth under 18 with diagnoses such as Schizophrenia due to a wild imagination being normal as a child or youth…
But once you hit 18 an imagination, magic, dragons, fairies, a world beyond the veil….
Became a mental illness.
Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying mental “illness” does not exist. What I am saying is after a...
I worked in equine assisted therapy for many years and there is one truth about working with horses, especially sport horses:
You can lie to yourself, repressing, ignoring, or avoiding your emotions, but you cannot lie to the horse.
Horses, being ancient prey animals, have 350 degree vision & are highly attuned to the energy around them. While some are better at dealing with human repressed emotions & imbalances they feel it. They are incredible mirrors for where we are lying to...
What if instead of seeking mindfulness we seek "bodyfulness" & allow our bodies to lead us forward.
Mindfulness continues to pull us away from the root cause:
If we continue to seek for why we think the way we do we miss the emotion in our body causing us to think the way we do.
We then end up continually pulling weeds, only for them to grow back nearly immediately.
It is the emotions held within our body, banished to our depths, that light the way to our healing.
As we walk ever closer...
What horses teach you about power….
I have not only competed since I was 5, worked as an Equine Vet Tech to the world's top dressage, jumper, & event horses (and riders), retrained countless Off The Track Thoroughbreds, rehabbed rescues, & raised babies. I have also operated an equine assisted therapy program with the Canadian Mental Health Association.
It is safe to say horses have been my life for my entire life.
I have learned a thing or two about power from horses:
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quantum human design ra uru hu radiance gene keys relationships richard rudd richard rudd quotes self development skyrocket sales skyrocket success spartan racing specific vs non specific manifestation spiritualblog splenic authority stress relief stress tips for women the beauty myth the human design queen the solar plexus vagus nerve variables human design variables in human design vegan vegan blog vegan fitness vegan food wellness tips women's leadership womens healthAuthor
Naomi Munroe
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