The ADHD + HD Blog

How do you find your purpose using Human Design and Gene Keys? #adhd #genekeys #humandesign #purpose Sep 07, 2024

Your best bet for success lies in building on who you already are, not trying to become someone you’re not.

Have you found yourself searching for “how to find my purpose in life?” and maybe getting into personality quizzes, Human Design, or Gene Keys in the hopes that SOMETHING will finally just tell you what to do so that you can do it?

I have some bad news:  Nothing will tell you what to do, because purpose is not what you do.

The pressure we put ourselves under...

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Can ADHD Medication Help you Hear Your Inner Authority (Human Design)? #adhd #adhdhumandesign #adhdinwomen Sep 06, 2024

For adults with ADHD, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all path to finding alignment. In this article, I want to offer a perspective: the reason you may feel stuck in your “not-self” could be directly related to your ADHD symptoms.

Ra Uru Hu said: “It‘s the form principle. Everything about it is the form principle. When you get to the surface of Human Design you can see that this is all we‘re telling people. We‘re saying, ā€•Look, here‘s where your...

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How Living Out of Alignment Could Be Amplifying Your ADHD Symptoms #adhd #adhdhumandesign Sep 04, 2024

For those of us with ADHD untangling the complicated web of conditioning vs ADHD symptoms vs who we really are beneath it all is a journey not previously talked about. It is my belief that the conditioning experienced through the "open centres" can actually make ADHD symptoms appear to be worse than they are in a particular individual. This journey of self discovery is a critical piece if we are looking to flourish with our ADHD and create a life where it no longer controls the narrative.


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ADHD + Human Design: The Root Centre & ADHD Paralysis #adhd #adhdhumandesign #humandesign #rootcentrehumandesign May 22, 2024

As ADHD’ers we are all too familiar with the “ADHD Paralysis”.  Our brain can find tasks like complex projects or deciding between too many choices overwhelming, which often leads to getting distracted or finding ourselves avoiding the task altogether.

I don’t know about you but this expresses itself much more profoundly for me when I am already stressed in other areas of life.  I will maybe write a few lines of a blog, wander, get distracted by the horses...

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