The ADHD + HD Blog

Patriarchy in the Spiritual Systems we Follow #astrology #darkgoddesswork #divinefeminineinbusiness #hecategoddess #kaligoddess #patriarchyinthespiritualworld #wildfemme #wildwomansisterhood #womeninbusiness #womenspiritualleaders Sep 28, 2020

You know a concept or system was downloaded by a man or male "voice" when a part of the system says a woman is the energizer bunny month long 🐰

Now, this is a bit tongue in cheek but not really.
I remember when I first started my journey in Human Design I was on hormonal birth control pills and I DEFINITELY identified with the energizer bunny aspect of a Generator.
Thanks to synthetic man made hormones I no longer operated by the moon and lo and behold I WAS a good little...
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Pop the Champagne: Jupiter Comes Out of Retrograde Sept 13, 2020! #astrology #astrologyblog #humandesign #humandesignblog #jupiterretrograde #manifestationblog #natalchartjupiter Sep 12, 2020
Pop the champagne! Jupiter is coming out of retrograde but you better work b*tch!
Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles, is coming out of its retrograde cycle and going direct.
Jupiter is what is called a benevolent planet. A kind energy and an abundant force for good in the Universe. Badass Manifestors THIS baby rules abundance!
So, yes, you are right! This is definitely something to celebrate especially...
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A New Zodiac?! #astrology #humandesign #manifestation #newzodiac #veganathlete Jul 15, 2020

Hey hey my friend!  I woke up to this news and couldn't wait to share because it really got me thinking!  While Human Design & Astrology provide the back drop of my coaching containers I am always coaching my clients into being their OWN authority and not turning over their authority to anyone, including Human Design. When I saw this information it really got me thinking about the IMPORTANCE of that!

So the question I have for you today is:
Are you SO sunk in to...
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