The ADHD + HD Blog

Stuck in Business as a Projector or Reflector? #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovators #projector&humandesign #projectorblog #projectorlife #projectormentalauthority #projectors #projectors&business #projectorsinbusiness #projectorvsreflector #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #reflector #reflectorlife #reflectors #reflectors&business #reflectorsinbusiness #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork Dec 02, 2022

I meet a lot of STUCK AF Projectors & Reflectors (Well, all designs have this problem but each design for a different reason)

Waiting does not mean doing nothing!  

I have been saying this for some time, and I will continue saying it, ESPECIALLY since the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is going to burn down all of the selling of fantasies:

You cannot just lean back & expect to build an empire or scale a business past 50K months.  

The designs this rhetoric is the...

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Unconscious Activations in the Bodygraph (Human Design) #business&bg5 #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesign&relationships #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #humandesignchart #lightworker #lightworkers #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #sacral&humandesign #sacralauthority #sacredrebel #soulembodiment #soulwork Nov 22, 2022


Ra: “I never want to see a Gate or aspect described in isolation again”.

Ra Uru Hu was very strict in how he desired Human Design to be taught, and it was never about breaking you down into pieces or bumper sticker quotes.

While to share aspects online I break the bodygraph into pieces it is critical to understand that you simply CANNOT understand your design simply as a 2nd line, as a Manifestor, as a Genius to Freak.  It is how that...

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Your Inner Authority is Not Emotional #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #alignment #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignblog #inneralignment #innerauthority #innovators #lightworker #lightworkers #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #rebirth #rebirth&business #sacral&humandesign #sacralauthority #sacralyes #sacredfeminine #sacredrebel #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork Nov 22, 2022

Your monkey mind is an asshole & has no idea how to follow strategy & authority…

It thinks you don’t know enough, that you need to know more before ___, that you just need to prove yourself or know the right direction, it whispers at you to be careful you don’t trigger others emotional waves, to think about things that don’t matter, to be certain about things, hold on to things that are no longer good…

And like the devil on your shoulder it will...

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The Cross of Planning In Individuals Post 2027 #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #crossofthesleepingphoenix #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesign&relationships #humandesign&wealth #humandesign2027 #humandesignblog #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork #thecrossofthesleepingphoenix Nov 09, 2022

Have you wondered what happens to your Human Design if you are the Cross of Planning post 2027?

Confusion currently exists online regarding what happens to the INDIVIDUAL that has The Cross of Planning as the background frequency of Earth (Planning) disintegrates & we anchor in The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

As I taught the students in The Human Design Coaching Academy (Going through a rebrand & upgrade for 2023 so stay tuned!) your personal cross is NOT under mutation.  You...

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Business by Human Design #bg5 #bg5&business #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #rebel #rebelsoulleaders Nov 02, 2022

I once created an email list with ALL the wrong people

I tried a different strategy for a launch & had giveaways for a free workshop I created to sell a program on the back end of (super simple funnel).


In some respects it worked:


My email list blew up.

Word of mouth travelled.

People were screenshotting & sharing online.

Energy was HIGH for the workshop.


In some respects it tanked:


Very few ideal clients showed up, which resulted in one of my lowest...

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Is it is Not Self Making Your Decisions? #buildingabusinessusinghumandesign #buildinganonlinebusiness #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #generator #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #manifestinggenerators #manifestor #notselfinbusiness #projectors #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #reflector #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork Oct 31, 2022

Is it the not self, hidden as “alignment”, making your decisions?

I will often see online or hear in my programs when people are new to me:

“I am a Manifestor so I don’t like being told what to do”.

“I am a Manifestor I am meant to be bouncing between ideas”.

“I am a Projector/ Reflector, I just don’t have the energy”.

“I am a Manifesting Generator, I am meant to have a lot of ideas/ always be juggling a lot”.

“I am...

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