Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog
When I “got” this the first thing that went out my window was my vision board- and let me tell you, it was the most liberating, and expansive, thing I have done for my experiment, business, wealth, & receiving.
THIS life is not one I could have imagined.
THIS life is not one I could have planned.
Oh, how the ego not self mind was not only playing small but also tied up in the online spiritual space of what success SHOULD look like. What being successFUL...
PROJECTORS: Are you ready to skyrocket sales?
There is a lot of misinformation about the designs, and unfortunately that conditioning is leading Projectors off track of the true use of their energy.
Let’s dive into 4 ways to Skyrocket Sales & Transcend Success as a Projector:
1 Know Your Niche! Look, trying to serve everyone as a Projector is going to leave you drained & with energy leaks bigger than a bucket with holes. Add a 5th line to this & the 5th line...
Have you heard of this thing called specific vs non-specific manifestation? It may seem harmless to believe this, although when you begin to understand the true power of Rave Psychology & the variables you realize that by thinking of things that don’t matter (aka manifestation using this potent variable) you are leaving wealth, impact, & truly flourishing in life & business on the table.
That arrow is called "perspective". The only source of Manifestation for...
“I need to prove myself”, “I’m not enough until ___/ yet” is a very common voice of the not self undefined ego,.
Now, it isn’t only the undefined ego where beliefs surrounding this can creep up; add a not self ego to a 1st line profile & you have a recipe for the mind to play games that keep you directly where you are based on conditioning around needing to prove yourself before you can step out into your TRUE soul work. Now, as Ra said...
We (WOMEN) Must Stop Policing Women…
It is fascinating to me that as a culture we are blind to the false assumptions underlying many relationships & even business, still deaf to the snide remarks some women make to undercut other women, still unable to pull the feminine out of the mud & toxic paradigms.
And this, more often than not, is made by OTHER women. Typically women who are “feminine led” & “in flow”. The rules,...
Blocked energy around wealth often speaks to a deeper mistrust in the web of life and your, not just ability, but sacred birth right, to be in abundance.
I have received a lot of messages recently about the wounded maiden & grounded mother archetypes I have been speaking of & how they weave into Human Design and receiving. So many women have reached out saying it felt like a weight lifted that someone was putting words to what they have been experiencing & what their soul...
Join Our Mailing Community & Receive My Most Popular Guide!
Ready for my most popular Astrology guide? This one came out of the vault so that I could share it with you once again! Join THOUSANDS who have taken the dive into their Cosmic Body Blueprint!
Note: I am updating this resource to make it even more expansive. Join the email list & be the first to receive it!