The ADHD + HD Blog

Activate YOUR Particular Brand of Crazy Apr 09, 2020

Turn YOUR particular brand of crazy into MASSIVE impact and income!

Your particular brand of crazy... Your unique energetic blueprint ( #humandesign) is YOURS alone.

Not only is it your blueprint alone but it is your unique way of interacting with the Quantum field.

And your tribe, and the collective (depending on your circuitry of course ‍) are ready to hear YOUR message.

Your unique voice. Your unique way of seeing what will elevate humanity.‍

You hold a unique ability to bring a...

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The Pandemic & Mutation for 2027 Apr 09, 2020


Mutation and the Role of the 6th line during this pandemic.

This is the forking of the paths; this is about the fertile splitting of the way in which we’re moving forward.

It is no coincidence, in my opinion, everything is happening now with 2027 on the horizon.

What happens in 2027?

The Global Consciousness Program shifts into a new cross.

Our current global cycle began in 1615 and carries the frequency of the Cross of Planning with Gates 37, 40, 9, and 16. This was marked by...

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I Believe in Miracles Apr 09, 2020

I believe in Miracles... Not only do I believe in them. I live them daily. And you can too!

Now is not the time to allow fear/ the not self world to rule!

I am not immune to the not self world. And anyone that says they are 100% immune are bold faced liars.

Especially now, I fully believe no matter your level in business the whole gamut of emotions has gone through you at one point since the virus broke.

If Ra himself struggled with the not self world we all do.

The problem is when we don't...

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Revolutionary Soul Led Leaders Apr 09, 2020

The leaders that struggle to break through are the ones always looking for answers outside of themselves.... Always chasing the next "hit" of approval or "next best thing" to fix the resistance they are feeling.

This may be bold for someone that coaches Human Design to say, since that provides a framework for how we are meant to operate in life but I am seeing a massive issue in the world right now.

The things that were once there to FREE us are now constraining us. We are boxing ourselves...

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Quieting the Mind Centre to Manifest Your Destiny bossbabe human design human design blog manifestation manifestation tips manifestationblog moneymindset self development spiritualblog Mar 17, 2020


Hi there my friend!

I was talking to Scott, my husband, today about how quick things have changed in my life and I wanted to share the first key piece to changing your entire life....

Quieting down your mind centre and allowing your G centre to magnetize your destiny and purpose to you!

I deeply desire for you to manifest a life wilder than your dreams.  In fact, if I did it you can do it too!  I used to be the person watching other people succeed doing what they love and...

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Difference in Waiting: Generator vs Projector alignment energy how to be human design law of attraction manifestation meditation Aug 22, 2019

Waiting to Respond vs Waiting for the Invitation

So often I find Projectors are actually waiting to respond, thinking they are waiting for the invitation and Generators are waiting for the invitation when they should be responding moment to moment.

It may seem like semantics but it makes a MASSIVE difference in the Quantum and in your alignment.

Projectors, you are waiting for the invitation, to be in alignment.

Generators, you are waiting to respond moment to moment.

What is the...

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